Tuesday, November 13, 2007

R.I.P. - Big Shaky

It pains me to no end to do this, but I think it's time to put him to rest. I hate the fact that our cohort Big Shaky cannot find time in his ever so busy schedule to blog with us anymore. The blog was blocked on at his job because, obviously, this is an extremist site. Now, apparently he does not have the ability to update us from home. Shame, shame, shame...

I will miss the political rants and liberal bashing that became the norm over the past year. Shaky personified the conservative far-right and would have made Uncle Ted very proud. Rest in peace my fine feathered friend... God speed and remember - True North is the only way!

Now that the sap is behind us... What the hell is the problem??? You can't find 10 minutes out of your day to post your controversial thoughts on our precious (and ever so popular) blog??? What a turd. I guess you're too busy reading the recent stories on MoveOn.org or watching the Democratic debates to see which one of your favorites will get the presidential nod. Yeah, I said it... You don't scare me. One block at work and you give up on us! What, do the parental controls at home not allow our extremist site either? No excuses... I'm very disappointed in you.

OK Brent, now it's up to you and me to keep this train on the tracks...

In Nuge WE trust!

1 comment:

Brent said...

Rumor has it, Shaky is spending all his spare time googling Al Gore and Al Sharpton. Maybe he just has a thing for dudes named "Al". I guess we'll never know.

R.I.P. buddy