Saturday, October 27, 2007

Should we pull the plug???

The Big Shaky is currently on blog-land life support. Apparently, he did all of his blogging at work and this site is now blocked by his corporate machine. Bummer. We may need to discuss pulling the plug because I know that he would not want to be a blog vegitable...

Oh, and I am pissed that KU whooped A&M today. Why can't we catch a break with these guys? It would be nice if the other team showed up one of these days when Rock Chalk comes to town. Oh well, I don't know why I am surprised. The one time MU has a BCS-type season, they get overshadowed by another north team that barely fielded a team for the past however-many years. Figures...

Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm Starting to Get Worried

I love college football. More than the NFL, NBA, NCAA hoops and every other sport combined. I'm not sure why I feel this way, but it's probably because my formative sports years (6th grade-beginning of my sophomore HS year) were spent just outside Columbia, MO. Sure, there was Chiefs, Cardinals and Royals coverage, but the biggest deal in town was the Missouri Tigers. At the time, I was more of a basketball fan, mainly because watching Jeff Handy try to throw it to receivers stumbling all over Omni-turf just wasn't much fun.

Let's fast forward to 2007. This is supposed to be our year. This is the year that we finally take the next step forward and capture the Big 12 north. This is our best chance for a BCS bid ever. It might be the last time in my lifetime that this happens. Sure you might laugh, but consider the fact that the last time Missouri won a conference title in football, Nixon was President and we were just landing guys on the moon for the first time. It was a LONG time ago.

Now, I knew we would have some stiff competition this year. It's never easy, even when the conference is having a down year. But I sure as hell wouldn't have picked Kansas to be the team to beat. Seriously, Kansas?!? Aside from a few good years with Glen Mason, the KU football team has sucked balls for years. Even when they've been "good" they've been mediocre. Bill Whittemore? John Cornish? Give me a break. They've had some decent players, but never a solid team. Mangina had only won 2 Big 12 road games in his tenure at KU until this season. Now they're undefeated and are 9th in the latest BCS standings. The game at Arrowhead later this season looms large.

With the way the schedule shakes out, KU misses both OU and Texas this year, with only games at Texas A&M and Oklahoma State as challenges the rest of the way. They have Iowa State and Nebraska at home, and they're both terrible. Upsets happen, but it's totally conceivable that KU shows up on 11/24 at 11-0. With our loss at OU, we really can't afford to stumble the rest of the way. It won't be easy. Kansas State on the road will be tough. We never play well there. We also have to go to Colorado which is, again, a place where we don't normally play well.

To get to my point, I'm worried that the best Mizzou season in 40 years has a good chance of being overshadowed by the greatest KU season of all time. The thought of KU playing in the Fiesta Bowl makes me sick to my stomach. The thought of their being conference champions makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit. I think it's unlikely that they run the table, but it sure seems like a reasonable possibility. And that scares the hell out of me.

In Bauer we trust

Friday, October 19, 2007

Too Much of a Good Thing

Without a doubt, the funniest half hour on TV each week is The Office. Notice I said the funniest HALF hour. At the beginning of this season, NBC decided to supersize each of the first four episodes into one hour instead of the normal 30 minute episodes that we are accustomed to. At first, I was really excited. The more I could get of the Dunder Mifflin crew, the better. But now after seeing the first four episodes, I'm just as excited to see it go back to the 30 minute format, starting next week.

As it turned out, 60 minute episodes were a bad idea. It was a little outside the box to begin with, because there isn't a single comedy on TV that runs for an hour each week. Every now and again, you'll see "special" episodes that end up being an hour, like a season finale or something, but it's hardly the norm. Even Seinfeld, one of the all time greats, only have a few hour long episodes, much less 4 straight to start a season.

I've found each episode to be very funny in parts, but then have lots and lots of downtime, which is a big buzzkill for any comedy. Keep me laughing for 30 minutes and leave me wanting more next week. I think that's the ideal formula. It's like the episode of Seinfeld where George tried to always end on a high note. We need to get back to this idea with The Office. Next week cannot come soon enough.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

M - I - Z ... Z - Oh no!

Well, since my blog mates are a couple of no-typing hosers, I guess I'll just have to carry this thing myself. Go ahead and jump on my back, boys!!!

I enjoyed watching the Tigers play Saturday night in a prime time game with some meaning. I knew it was a long shot, to say the least, to get a victory at OU, but I was still excited that there was actually a chance at all. The tigers came out swinging and had some early success on offense, mainly because of Maclin. That guy is a man-child and will probably not stay for his 3 years of remaining eligibility. He is literally a threat to score every time he touches the ball.

My excitement peaked in the 3rd quarter when Mizzou went up 25-24. Are you kidding me??? The Tigers actually have a chance to beat a ranked team on the road??? As it turns out, the answer to that was a resounding NO. They folded at the end of the game with crutial turnovers, one for a touchdown. And that was that. They added a meaningless touchdown at the end, but the Sooners were able to control the game and come up with a home win that they needed and earned.

It is really nice to be able to root for a team that is actually playing well and fun to watch. Unfortunately, it looks like they'll have to run the table to have a shot at winning the north, especially with Gay-U actually coming out of nowhere and winning ballgames. Against the Little Sisters of the Poor, albeit. And this week should be really cool with MU playing Texas Tech. I don't even think either team will even dress a running back... They are just not necessary anymore.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The New Me...

Hey, remember me? How about this blog??? Ok, we've been on sabatical for a while, but I've decided to start posing again, so here goes. I just hope my cohorts follow suit...

I have made a personal decision to be a less negative person, a more kinder, gentler me, if you will. My job has been driving me nuts lately and I've been taking it home with me lately, so I've decided to be more like Chaz Michael Michaels on queludes. Just go with the flow. Don't get so worked up. REEEELLLLAAAAAXXXX! That's my new personal motto. Well, what do you think? Oh really, I don't care...

The true test of the new me will come this weekend when Mizzou and the Chiefs play. I must admit that I got pretty worked up last weekend. The joy of seeing the Tigers hand Nebraska their asses on a silver platter cannot be described. When was the last time we could claim a victory of that magnitude? When was the last time we were #11 in the nation? It will be an even bigger test this weekend against OU in Norman. We'll see if I can hold it together...

Then on Sunday, the Chefs (no misspelled) will be at home vs. the Bengals. I was worked up in an exact polar opposite way during last week's goat rodeo. I can't believe that an NFL team can gain a total of 10 yards rushing in a full game. Inexcusable! And when Page was trying to run down Jones-Drew, he looked more like a retard trying to hump a doorknob. Sidebar: I still hate men with hyphenated names. I think we did a post on this before. Anyway, if anything can get the ol' blood to boilin', it would be the Chiefs.

At any rate, I think we all should sit back and listen to some Clay Aiken or Nickelback (whichever is your preference Kivett). Hang out and enjoy life! And hope that your home teams don't pee down their collective legs so you don't have to make the opposite life change of being talked down off the ledge.

Come on boys - we're back!!!