Friday, February 23, 2007


So I was looking on a website called Craigslist today. If you don't know, Craigslist is basically a free, world-wide, classified ad. Anyway.
I found this article of a guy from Linwood, KS selling a "custom racing lawn mower". It peaked my curiousity. I was not disappointed. So, I decided to share with my friends. Read and Enjoy!

Lawn Mower 4 Sale
It's that time of year again... Time to pack up all my belongs, sell whatever I don't need, and load up the El Camino to head for Colorado. This is one custom mower that I modified Summer 2006. I removed the mower deck and flip-floped the pulleys. I also removed some of the metal covering the engine to decrease the weight ratio and increase the speed ratio and got a pretty sweet penny from the scrap yard. When you drop the hammer on this bad boy you've better had it pointed somewhere because its gonna take off like a rabid jack-rabbit thats been shot in the ass. One time I did a burn out in the garage so big I thought I was going to pass out from all the smoke and fumes! But to really make this mower a racer, the frame needs to be beefed up a bit and a racing tranny would definately get you some sick speed! All dreams of mine but sometimes dreams just disapear like a fart in the wind, just as I am destined to do. My loss, your gain to fame! _______________________________________________________________ PLEASE BUY!!!!! i'VE GOTTA GET MY KOMODO DRAGON SKIN COWBOY BOOTS OUT OF HAWK, OR I'LL LOOSE THEM IN 4 DAYS!!!!

Now, that's poetry, my friends. This guy is definitely a Nuge fan. Guaranteed.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Switch Gears

Since I'm not totally in love with the last 2 posts on this blog, I'm going to go ahead and switch gears a little. I'm going to do my best to put a little more balls back into this thing again. Yes, it's time for my weekly extremeist rant.
I've been reading a book entitled. "God, Guns, and Rock 'n' Roll". Written by the incomparable Ted Nugent. I know there are quite a few people that think he's nuts. They are wrong. He's passionate about life, music, the Constitution, and his family. He's a survivalist. He's always prepared for a catastrophe or hard times.
If that's being nuts, then put a little white jacket on me and throw me in a rubber room. So many of the things he writes about, I believe in, wholeheartedly. So, let me tell you, my fellow bloggers, some things that I would do, If I were you, to prepare for a Democrap in the White House. Or when times get tough, these are always goodthings to do to be prepared for anything.
Buy as many guns as you can and lots of ammo. Heaven's knows they will try to make them all illegal. Buy the ammo for them to. Guns don't kill people, the ammunition does!
Buy a generator. If power is lost, you will never be cold. And you can listen to the news on the radio or watch it on a TV.
Store food and water. We have about 3 months of food and water supply in our house right now. Our goal is to have a year's worth. Get canned goods, cereals, crackers, chips, pastas, freeze dried or dehydrated foods. If you know what to do with it, store powdered milk, flour, wheat, and beans and legumes. You can live a long, long time eating these foods everyday.
Have a 72 hour kit for each member of your household. This should include, but is not limited to: flashlight, pocket knife, blanket, first aid kit, necessary toiletries, some protein or granola bars or MRE's, water pouches, etc. Keep this stuff in seperate duffle bags or backpacks. This will insure they are easily transportable.
Learn to fish and hunt. Once you've caught or shot something, learn what to do with it from there. To survive, you can't just shoot it, or catch it on a line. You've got to know what to do with it from there so you can provide for your family.
Get you concealed carry permit. Lord knows if Hillary or Obama are Presidents, they will want to do away with this God-given right. At least if you have a permit already they will probably have to grandfather you in because you've already gone through the correct channels to get licensed.
I know this sounds radical, and to some, maybe it is. But for me, it gives me a great deal of comfort to know that I have done these things and am ready to protect and provide for my family no matter what happens.
I'm not just talking about the day when the government falls and people will have to protect everything they have (which will happen someday). I'm talking about a tornado, ice storms, heavy snow. If those people in New York that have had 11 feet of snow knew of these things, they wouldn't be worried at all. They can easily survive with what they have in their home.
I lost a job about 8 years ago. Money was real tight and sometimes nonexistent! Because of our food storage, we didn't have to buy groceries (except for milk and bread). We were prepared.
Call me an extremeist, radical, militant, or whatever else you want. Just don't call me when tought times are here and you didn't listen to the promptings of ol' Matt and Uncle Ted!!!

Long Live The Nuge!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

American Idol - Round of 24 - The Guys

You know, when they get further into the competition they start having theme nights. Apparently tonight was elevator music night, although they never mentioned it on any of the commercials. Here are my thoughts on each of the guys who performed tonight (listed in order of appearance as far as I can remember):

1. Rudy Cardenas - I don't remember seeing this guy prior to tonight, and it was pretty forgettable again. I think he's probably in danger of going home. He really wasn't the worst of the evening, but he didn't do anything to stand out from the rest of the bunch, and he went first, and any late arrivals to the show probably missed him.

2. Brandon Rogers - This guy got a lot of pub during the audition rounds, and he has some credibility, having sang backup for Christina Aguilera and Usher. That's actually pretty impressive. I thought his song was rather boring, but he'll sail through to the next round. He's pretty much a shoe in for the round of 12, I just wish he would do something a little more exciting next time. A lot of these guys were just dreary tonight.

3. Sundance Head - Oh boy. The only positive thing I can say about this guy is that his chest hair was covered. Other than that, he was basically a disaster. He got a lot of attention during the auditions, but he's been pretty awful except for the very first time that we saw him. I don't think he has a prayer of making it out of the prelims. In fact, he'll probably be one of my picks to get the boot this week. He just doesn't have what it takes to be a star. He seemingly has a good voice, but he doesn't know how to use it.

4. Paul Kim - This guy is a giant douche. He's ugly, boring, and his "gimmick" is that he performs barefoot on stage, because it makes him feel free or something. Whatever. He's a hippie. Plain and simple. And he's not a good singer either. But I think he's done enough for people to remember him, and probably vote for him too. Unfortunately, he'll be back for another week or two. I would be EXTREMELY happy to see him go tonight, but I'm not going to count on it.

5. Nicholas Pedro - This is the guy who quit in the middle of the Hollywood round last year. He has an ok voice, but he's dead up on stage. He would sound ok on a CD maybe (I stress the maybe), but he can't work it up there. Some of the other guys really put him to shame. Probably another candidate to get the boot.

6. Chris Richardson - I really liked the choice of an upbeat song. But he was absolutely hideous all the way around. His vocals were way off as far as I concerned, and his dancing was laughable for the most part. Judging from the wife's input, he'll make it far in this because he looks somewhat like Justin Timberlake, and the girls will probably vote for him. I think she's probably right. He'll be safe, but he is not very good.

7. Blake Lewis - This is the beatbox kid. I was glad to finally hear him sing for a change. I thought he was really good, and he probably has enough of a following to sail through to the final 12. I think he kind of resembles Wes from the Real World...kind of like his skinnier cousin or something. Am I crazy here? But yeah, Blake makes it through for sure.

8. Sanjaya Malakar - His performance was easily the worst of the evening. Any kind of cuteness factor he has is mitigated by the fact that he sounds like a chick and he sang one of the most boring songs I've ever heard on this show. Seriously, what are some of these guys singing? It should be pretty easy to figure out at this point, since this is the 6th season of American Idol. For the first week or two, you better either be really good, or sing something upbeat to get the crowd into it. Don't go up there and put the audience into a coma for 1 min 30 sec. Ugh. He doesn't have a chance on this show. Any votes he gets are for pity only.

9. Chris Sligh -The show finally started when he began singing. He was clearly in a different league than every guy who went before him. He has pretty much everything going for him. Good pipes, funny guy, memorable...the total package more or less. And he also gave us the funniest moment in AI history by calling out Simon for being behind the Teletubbies. I had no idea, but you could easily tell that Simon was genuinely PISSED after Chris said that. Yikes. He can dish it out, but he apparently can't take it.

10. Jared Cotter - We haven't seen anything out of this guy until tonight, and he definitely held his own. For some reason, the judges weren't very high on him, but I liked him. I hope he makes it through to the next round. He's definitely more deserving than some of these other guys. You know, they said during the Hollywood round that the girls outnumbered the guys 2-1 this year, and I'm not all that surprised. A lot of these guys left me feeling really bored. I guess they'll improve, but there were only like 3-4 semi decent guys tonight.

11. AJ Tabaldo - You know, this guy sounded halfway decent, but I can't get past the fact that he popped his collar. I just can't look the other way on this. This automatically makes him a tool. Maybe he'll get some fashion advice on this, but if not, then I hope he meets an early demise on this show.

12. Phil Stacey - A couple of things here. I was looking forward to hearing him. They always save the best guy for last in the first week. Seriously, it always happens. You think this is a random draw? Think again. Anyway, the beginning of his song sucked big time. But, he recovered and really showed that he is in the top tier of the guys this year. He easily had the best vocal performance of the week. My only complaint is that he needs to either grow some hair, or go back to hats. He kind of looks like a cross between Gollum and a cancer patient. I think his ears stick out too much. But anyway, dude can blow, as Randy would say.

Anyone else have any thoughts? I'm looking forward to the girls tomorrow night.


Too much to cover here, so I'm just going to ramble about whatever comes to mind.

- 24 was a little slow this week, but the twist at the end was great. It was pretty clear that they are using this episode to drop a bomb in the coming weeks. For those of you who aren't caught up on the previous season (everyone except me), the guy at the end, Charles Logan, was the President last season. He was implicated in the death of David Palmer, the President during seasons 2 and 3. I was kind of surprised by this, because I figured he would be in prison or something. I'm looking forward to seeing the fallout from the end of last season. Also, he is sporting a heck of a beard this time around. First Jack and now Logan. Amazing. It's like they're having their own version of the "facial hair challenge" this year.

One thing that slightly bothers me is that Phillip Bauer had the balls to kill Graem, but not Jack. Maybe he couldn't bring himself to kill two of his offspring. What an upstanding guy! Anyway, they both have the same agenda (finding Redenko) albeit for different reasons.

- Lost was just downright weird this week, but still fascinating. Apparently Desmond is stuck in some kind of weird timewarp. I'm not even going to try to figure out what is going on with this island. I swear, these writers must be hanging out with Snoop Dogg and the sticky-icky too much, because they really leave you scratching your head each week. The one redeeming moment of the show was the preview for next week, where we supposedly get answers to three of the island's biggest mysteries. Whatever, I'll believe it when I see it. Even last year, when they explained what caused their plane to crash, it raised about 50 more questions than it answered. But I'll keep my fingers crossed just in case.

- The American Idol dudes sing tonight. I swear, 2 hours tonight, 2 hours tomorrow night, and another hour on Thursday night is just too much. Obviously I'm not going to miss a second of it, but what a time commitment! I have no idea who should be favored at this point, although I'm a big fan of Chris Sligh, and I guess Phil Stacy is pretty good too. For the girls, I don't really know. We'll just have to wait and see. Expect full recaps in the next couple of days. I warned you guys months ago that once 24, Lost and American Idol were running at the same time, I'd be monopolizing this blog.

- I've seen a bunch of movies lately and thought I should provide a little detail as to what you should see and what you should avoid.
  • The Hills Have Eyes - Not a whole lot going on in plot here, but a BUNCH of crazy violence here. I had to turn my eyes away from the screen a legitimate 5 or 6 times because I couldn't bring myself to watch what was happening. I think they tried to market this thing as a scary movie, but it really wasn't scary...just really gory. I give it a 6 out of 10. Watchable, but you're not missing much.
  • John Tucker Must Die - This one was kind of dumb. The premise is that John Tucker, the good looking, superstar basketball player, high school kid is a player, and the girls he's messing around with want to get him back. So one of them pretends to date know what, as I'm explaining this, I realize how lame it was. If your wife really really wants to see it, then go ahead, but stay away otherwise. There are some really lame things, like where they start sneaking estrogen pills into John's energy drinks, and he starts acting like a chick within minutes. Dumb. Rating of 4 out of 10.
  • Clerks 2 - If you have enjoyed any of Kevin Smith's other movies, do yourself a favor and rent this. I was scared, thinking that it probably wouldn't be any good, and that KS was just trying to make some money after his other stuff has bombed. Well it was actually very enjoyable. The Quick Stop burns down, and Dante and Randall are stuck working at Mooby's, essentially a clone of McDonald's. Jay and Silent Bob return as well, fresh out of rehab. They've found Jesus too. I don't want to say anything else, just get it. Rating of 9 out of 10.
  • Sideways - This movie's about an aspiring author who's down on his luck. His actor buddy is about to get married, and they go on a tour of California's wine country. This probably doesn't sound very interesting, but it's actually a really good movie. The main character is kind of whiny, and sort of brings the movie to a kind of gloomy level because he's so pessimistic. But it's definitely entertaining and worth a rent. Rating of 7.5 out of 10.

- The last thing I'll mention here is my weekly vagina update. I'm pissed at the writers of Grey's Anatomy. We were told that someone was going to die this week. At the end of the episode, Meredith appears to die, only to be told that her life hangs in the balance during the next episode. I feel like I've been lied to. Maybe they meant someone would die next week, but they should have made it more clear. Meredith isn't going to die, she's the lead of the show! She would be a fool to give it up, as would pretty much any of them. If anyone dies this Thursday, it will be more of a minor character. I'd be shocked otherwise. Oh, and Desperate Housewives was great this week too. They wrapped up the entire Orson/Monique/Delfino storyline very nicely. At the end I couldn't help but say to myself "wow, that was actually really good." Usually big, elaborate stories like this really don't pan out, especially on this show (see the Applewhites last season), but this time the writers really pulled it off. My hats off to them.

That's all for now. I promise.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Friday Night Lights update

I haven't posted about this show in quite some time, but I should have. It's quite possible that there is not a better show on TV. 24 is more exciting, LOST is more elaborate and I Love New York is crazier, but you'd be hard pressed to find any show that is more well done that Friday Night Lights.

When it debuted this season, I wasn't even going to watch it. The only reason I gave it a shot at all was because my fellow blogger Josh said he was going to check it out, and he wanted to be able to talk about it with somebody. At first, it seemed almost sort of cartoonish. There was the pretty boy quarterback (Jason Street), the troubled drunk (Riggins), the town sloot (Tyra) etc etc. The show was entertaining, no doubt, but it was entertaining in a sense that I could sit back, pick it apart and poke fun at the characters they were portraying. Definitely an entertaining show, but one that I could probably live without if it was cancelled.

Well I'm past that point now. Somewhere along the way, FNL got a lot more real, for the lack of a better word. The writers make you care about these guys stuck in a small town in Texas. High School football is a huge deal in seems to have something like a NCAA D1 following in each town. At first I thought it was kind of corny, but now I think it's pretty cool. There are teams all over the KC metro area, and I really don't care about any of them, even my own alma mater. I guess it's just one of those small town things, but it would be pretty cool to see everyone get behind the same team.

Anyway, for some of these guys, football is their only chance at a better life. Smash Williams is willing to do whatever it takes to be a star, rampant steroid use included. For other guys, like Riggins, it just seems to be an escape from an otherwise miserable existance. Personally, my favorite character is Matt Saracen. Here's an 18 year old kid who doesn't have a mom, his father is overseas in Iraq, and he lives with his grandmother, who has Alzheimer's, or at least some form of dementia...she's just not all there. But he's expected to pretty much function as an adult and a kid at the same time.

I can't go an entire column about this show and not mention how much I love the Coach Taylor character. Kyle Chandler should win an emmy for his role on the show. His interaction with the team, coaches and family keeps me glued to the tv screen week after week. And that's what really makes a show great. When I look at the clock and see that there are only 5 minutes left, it makes me wish that there was still 30 minutes left. FNL always leaves me wanting more.

I've only scratched the surface here, but I PRAY that NBC somehow renews this for a second season. Honestly, it's one of the lowest rated shows on network primetime TV, but NBC stuck to their guns and gave it a full season run this year. For the most part, critics have done nothing but rave about this show. It just hasn't had an easy time finding an audience. I'm no expert, but I sincerely doubt that this show has much of a female audience, due to the fact that the show revolves around football. But it's so much more than that. The first couple of episodes, I was disappointed when there were no football scenes. After all, this is a football show right? But eventually it came to where the football stuff was almost bringing the show down. I used to wonder how they would work this show when the season ends, but they could totally just focus on the characters and ignore football, and I would still tune in.

Ok, the last thing here. The good news is that the racial angle from the last two shows seems to have piqued some interest among casual viewers. It was the second rated show in the 18-49 demo during the 7:00 hour on Wednesday, and had 7.43 million viewers. While that is a pretty pathetic number (10 million is considered acceptable, more or less), it's a pretty nice increase from the previous week's figure of 6.41 million viewers. Hopefully this turns into a trend, because I'm going to be devestated if FNL doesn't make it to season #2.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Come One, Come All !!!

I consider myself conservative. OK, REALLY conservative. I've always voted Republican, NEVER Democrat. But let me tell you a little something, I am extremely disappointed in the current President and minions. It flat-out pisses me off!
I just read earlier this week that we've been negotiating with North Korea to let weapons inspectors back in their country. In return, we are going to give them $400,000,000 wirth of oil among other things. So now we are negotiating with who we consider to be one of the axis of evil?!?! We are giving them oil, and they don't even have to quit making nukes, they just have to let in weapons inspectors?? What a great deal for them! He's busting a gut right now, I'm sure.
Al Quaeda leaders are running for cover now to Iran, but that douchebag president of theirs says that he has nothing to do with any terrorist acts. Well let's just call off the investigation then. If he says it, it must be true. Good grief!
I'll tell you what we should do. Send in a couple of snipers. One to North Korea, one to Iran and take out those scum leaders that are in power now. Neither one are very popular in their respective countries. They are just very powerful and everyone there is afraid to do a thing about it. For heaven's sake, that sand monkey in Iran is doing interviews with the US media!! He can't be that hard to find if he and Diane Sawyer are chumming it up. Shoot him. Shoot that Sum Yung Guy or whatever his name is. Survival of the fittest. Natural Selection only we are doing the selection. We need to sack up and act like we have a pair. This is war. ALL IS FAIR IN WAR. Kill them.
People in America make it real hard to win a war. What's with all the sympathy towards other countries? They want Americans dead. Plain and simple. But Hollywood, the democraps, and all the other flag-burning, tofu-eatin', anti-war chanting, hippie, fags think we need to be more thoughtful and respectful to those people that want us dead. I don't understand it.
One more thing. GW had a press conference yesterday. It was all BS, but one of the most disturbing things is that he wants to bring in Iraqis!. He said by the end of this year, he wants to bring in at least 7,000 Iraqi refugees. Are you kidding me?!? 7,000! Iraqis! We can't keep Mexicans in their own country, now you want to bring in the Iraqis too? This is absolutley insane. A bunch of bleeding-heart libs were calling on all the radio shows saying they think we should let in a couple of million in here!!!!! I'm serious, I am so pissed right now, I can't type fast enough! Does anyone think maybe some of these 7,000 could be sleepers for the enemy? Can't happen huh? Guess what? The massacre in the Salt Lake City mall was a Bonian refugee. They brought he and his family in because of the turmoil they suffered in Bosnia. Oh, I forgot to mention.....HE WAS A FREAKIN' MUSLIM, KILLING CHRISTIANS!!! But we won't have any problems with these refugees, I'm just sure of it.
We've turned into a nation of cowards. Politically correct. Liberal. Let me tell you the same thing that Michael Savage says, "Liberalism is a mental disease!"
I have to quit talking about this before it ruins my entire day.

Here's the first of MANY future quotes from Ted Nugent's book: God, Guns, and Rock 'n Roll. "If survivalists are looney, then nonsurvivalists are just plain wimps."
Hail the the Nuge

Monday, February 12, 2007

24, Lost, and other shows

-Two hours of 24 tonight! I'm spent. I'm glad that the little lull we had a couple weeks ago was an aberration rather than a sign of a larger problem. Very different tempos with the two hours tonight. The first hour was more of the on-the-edge-of-your-seat and explosions variety, while the second hour offered some quieter, more heartfelt moments.

The biggest development of the night was Lennox's involvement in what seems to be an attempt on Wayne Palmer's life. I'm still pretty shocked about the developments here, and I'd like to know how this guy's political agenda ties in with Phillip Bauer's agenda. I just don't see a connection here, but I like what I'm seeing. I'm dying to see what is going to happen next. Just a really solid two hours tonight. Even the slower parts were really interesting.

More on the possibility of a Palmer assassination attempt...I'm actually kind of happy about this. I don't think that Wayne Palmer really does much for me. He can't hold David Palmer's jockstrap in terms of screen presence. I hate to compare them, but if they're going to make them brothers on this show, then he needs to step up to the plate. The bar has been set pretty high here, and he's just not reaching it. If they dump him and insert the current VP into his place, I'm ok with it. I'll be completely and utterly shocked, but I'll be pretty happy. We'll see.

-LOST came back last week. I love this show, but I'm not sure why. The entire time I'm watching, I know that it's basically a carrot being dangled in front of me. I realize I'm basically never going to get any answers on this show. Even when you get a semi-answer, it just poses about 6 new questions. I was pretty disappointed that we didn't get to see anybody other than Kate, Jack and Sawyer. The writers realize that this show was most popular 2 years ago, when the storylines revolved around those three, as well as Locke, Hurley, Sayid, Charlie and Claire, right? So why do they abandon these guys in favor of The Others, who nobody likes? At the very least, don't introduce two new random characters. What purpose could they possibly serve? We don't need more people on the beach to be central characters. They don't even have time for the people they've already established.

One "weirdness" note here. Who in the heck was the girl that helped Kate and Sawyer and who the heck was her boyfriend? I need to do some searching to figure this out. But what really threw me for a loop was the weird mental experiment being done on the girl's boyfriend. It's probably pretty similar to the way I feel after watching most weeks. They were flashing random images and phrases in front of him, almost like some kind of weird sensory deprivation or something. I have no idea what they were doing. I also don't expect an answer in the next 20 episodes. After all, we still don't have any idea what the smoke monster is.

-For my weekly vagina update, I still love Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives. I was getting kind of worried about DH for awhile, but they have really rebounded this year. The writers actually have a storyline instead of just switching everything aimlessly from week to week. The pizzaria is still my favorite storyline, and Tom going on a power trip was freaking hysterical. I think I laughed harder at the fake chewing out that he gave Lynette than I did at anything on The Office or My Name is Earl this week, and that's saying a lot. When I think about how much I'm enjoying this season, it's really confusing as to how last season got so bad with the Applewhites and all.

-I just saw this on, but San Diego just fired Marty Schottenheimer! I have to admit, I'm pretty surprised here. This franchise has been basically nothing for as long as I can remember. They peaked for a couple of years in the mid 90's, even making the super bowl once, behind the two headed monster of Stan Humphries and Natrone Means. Correct me if I'm wrong, but those guys aren't hall of famers. They DID have Junior Seau, and he was an absolute terror back then (isn't HGH great?), but other than that, they've been nothing until Marty put their current team together. And I think Marty was a great fit for them. Yeah, he doesn't win in the playoffs, but if you're in San Diego, why would you even care?

I used to wonder why people in warm weather climates could be so apathetic towards things like this, considering the way we live and breathe football 11 months out of the year here in KC. But when I went to Hawaii back in December '05, it all became pretty clear to me. These types of people live in gorgeous weather all year round, when you can go to the beach in the middle of January, heck even their malls are open-air. It's just a totally different vibe in places like this. And I totally understand it now.

So why not keep Marty around? They'd be in pretty good shape with him. They'd be pretty successful year in and year out, just enough to keep the fanbase interested. That's really all they need in San Diego. They have plenty else to occupy their minds, so they're not going to mind if they get bounced from the playoffs right away each year. Surely my blogging cohorts have some thoughts on the end of Marty ball in San Diego.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

To gay or not to gay...

I was watching ESPN yesterday (imagine that) and I saw that some ex-NBA player wrote a book announcing that he is gay. First of all, I don't even know who the guy is. Apparently he played from 1997-2003, but I don't recognize his name or his face. I bet he'll really have a huge impact on the way the NBA looks at things...

This brings me to my point - why do gay people have to have announcements? All we ever hear about is "equality," but then we here about announcements of people coming out and pride parades. I don't recall ever having my coming out party for my heterosexuality. I feel robbed, because that could have been a bash! Listen, if a guy wants to go around fondling another man's squashed spider, it's a free country. But why do you have to throw it in my face? Why is it that somebody has to write a book, hold a press conference or get on reality TV to announce that he is gay? I don't understand why there has to be an announcement at all. Just be gay. I obviously don't agree with it, but if that's what you want to do and you're not hurting anyone else (besides your parents, most likely), then have at it.

Equality is a joke today with the gays and minorities. They beg to be equal, but then they constantly call attention to themselves and demand specific political correctness. I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ("Mormon" if you will), but I don't go around demanding special treatment because that makes me a minority in this country - it does, by the way - there are more muslims in the US than mormons. I just go about my business - no books, no parades.

To sum up: if you want to be gay, then just shut-up and be gay. And get the hell off of my ESPN!

I need to get this off my chest....

.....I've put it off too long. There is a subject that everyone loves to talk about. A subject that might be the biggest lie and dramatization in the history of the world if it keeps up this pace. I'm talking about a little thing called global warming. I can't even type those 2 words together without getting pissed off. The icing on the cake.....Al Gore is up for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize because of his FICTIONAL movie called The Inconvenient Truth. Dear Lord, what is this world coming to?
Liberals are going to keep spouting off about the ozone and how the glaciers are melting and that if the glaciers melt, it will cause flooding of global proportions. Please. Have you ever heard of displacement? I heard a scientist talking on the radio about it. He said Gore is full of crap (big surprise) and that we could prove it with a glass of ice water. Take a glass of ice water, fill it to the top of the glass. Let the ice melt. When it melts, did the water overflow the top of the glass? Nope! In fact, you can barely even tell the level of the water moved at all. It's the same thing with the glaciers. If they melt.....well..... they melt! This same scientist that is actually a climatologist said that the warmer climates like this cycle around about every 1500 years. In fact, he cited some worries and fears 30 years ago about global cooling!! That's right, just 30 years ago, people were worried about global cooling. You mean to tell me, in 30 years of time, we have gone from worrying about our world getting too cold to worrying about the world baking?
Now the latest thing is light bulbs. I guess the freakin' knee-jerk libs have decided that by the year 2010, we should all have energy-efficient light bulbs in our house. Who gives a crap what kind of light bulbs I use in my house? Is that really going to lower the world's temperature? No. But if there's a way to legislate something new, the Democraps will do it.
Here's where it starts. Smoking bans. I'm not a tobacco user, but I disagree with trying to ban people from doing things that are legal. What's next? Are there going to be inspectors come into my home to make sure I have the correct liught bulbs in my home? Go ahead and laugh, but that's where this country is heading. If this happens, I've decided I'm going to start selling this stuff on the black market. Soon, people will pay a mint for old, energy-eating light bulbs, cheap cigarettes, and 6 gallon-per-flush toilets. I'll be rich.
I hate to keep playing this same song (ok, not really), but you guys will look back and remember how right I was. If the terrorist wannabe Obama, or the bra-burning, it-takes-a-village-to-raise-a-child-(hippie) Hillary Clinton get into the white house, many freedoms that we take for granted now, will be gone. We won't be able to choose what kind of health care we want to participate in. We won't be able to buy certain kinds of cars. We won't be able to buy any more firearms. Taxes will be through the roof. Queers will be able to marry anywhere. Dogs and cats living together.....mass hysteria!!
Look, I love American stuff. I love Fords. I love V8's. I love trucks, tractors, my eight firearms, my bow, country music, John Wayne movies, and my right to enjoy each and everyone of those things. And I won't have some left-wing hippies come in and tell me that I can't enjoy them because I'm contributing to the demise of the planet, or they are too dangerous to have. Laws, or no laws, I'll have them. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Damn hippies.

Monday, February 05, 2007

24 Day 6: 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

After such a turd of an episode last week, it was nice to be back to normal this week. And to top that off, next week is a 2 hour event. I can't freaking wait.

I'm kind of sad to see Karen Hayes resign as the National Security Advisor, but I think it's probably for the best. She needs to be back with Buchanan at CTU, and this frees her up to do that. It also set up what was probably the sweetest part of the entire night. Lennox had the stage set for his plan to be put into motion, only to have President Palmer call a meeting in front of the entire cabinet to shoot it down. How could you not love that? Lennox is a snake in the grass. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of him, or the worst. But for now, he's got to pick himself up off the canvas.

There was a bit of a swerve last week when Graem double crossed Jack and Papa Bauer. That wasn't all the surprising, given Graem's shady past with all the happenings from last season, but I'm dying to know what Father Bauer is trying to hide. It must be something pretty bad. I'll be really disappointed if they're just trying to cover up their company name. It just seems a lot more serious than that. The interrogation of Jack and Graem was crazy...just really painful to watch. You can tell that Jack is just about at the breaking point...and who can blame the guy? He's spent the last 4 years either in a Chinese prison or under an assumed name. Old Jack would have really put the screws to Graem, but we actually saw some compassion there. Believe me.

You should have seen the interrogation of Sayed Ali during Season 2. That involved what might have been the most horrifying moment in the show's history. Or the time where Jack shot a guy, cut his head off, put it in a box and delivered it to somebody to show he meant business. That was during Season 2 as well. Come to think of it, Jack was never more of a badass than he was during Season 2. Have I mentioned that you guys need to watch the previous seasons yet? You really need to get on it.

Of course, it was all for not when Phillip Bauer killed his own freaking son. That was pretty brutal to watch. Obviously Jack gets his ruthlessness from this guy. I wasn't ready for that at all. Even with Graem's unforgivable past, you have to feel bad for the guy. Tortured by his brother and then killed by his father in a 15 minute span. But you can't say that he didn't get what he deserved. Sneaky, sneaky move at he end by Phil Bauer too. He picked a pretty good way to cover up Graem's death. Of course, you would think that a normal toxicology report would probably reveal what really happened. But I digress.

The last twist of the night really wasn't all that shocking. When Fayed and his clowns started talking about recruiting a new guy to program the nucs 2-3 episodes ago, I knew that Morris would somehow be involved, I just didn't know how they would get him on the hook. I'm glad he's being dragged into this unwillingly instead of just being a mole. I'm sure these guys will pull out all the stops in order to get the 4 remaining nucs up and running.

I still have a feeling that there is more here than meets the eye. I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if we eventually learn that one of these bombs is more than just the suitcase variety. But at any rate, I'm jacked for the double shot of Jack we get next week.

DVD Review - Transamerica


I had no idea what this movie was about when we rented it. Actually, we didn't rent it, my wife ordered it from Blockbuster Online, which is an amazing service. You can select any three movies at any given time, and they'll mail them to you. When you're done, send it back in the return envelope and they'll ship you the next one you request in your online queue. It's a great service, and I cannot recommend it enough. If you would rather, you can return the movie to your local blockbuster, and pick up a free in-store rental. Seriously, what could be better than this? And it's only $16.95 a month. So if you rent 3-4 DVD's per month, it makes 100% sense to do this.

Just make sure you don't rent Transamerica in the process. Good lord. I had literally no idea what it was about when we loaded it into the DVD player. I asked my wife what she knew about it, and she mentioned a woman playing a man who wants to be a woman. What??? Basically, Felicity Huffman plays the role of a guy who dresses like a woman and is about to have a sex change operation. She/He gets word that her/his kid is in trouble with the law in New York, so Felicity travels to the big apple to see her son.

I'm not going to bother with the details of the rest of the movie. It wasn't a feel-good movie, and it wasn't a depressing movie. It didn't bring any emotion out other than disgust. Even the acting was terrible. Felicity Huffman spoke in this weird monotone voice the whole time. It was almost like they were trying to go Forrest Gump style and win her an Oscar. Unfortunately for the writers and everyone else associated with this train wreck, the movie sucked. If you want the plot in a nutshell, I will say that there is a shot of a fake penis at one point, and another shot of Felicity Huffman's boobs. These are bad things. I am having trouble removing the images from my head right now. Anyway, don't rent this, don't let your wife think that it's a good idea to rent...just stay away. Very far away. I shipped that sucker back to Blockbuster first thing on Saturday morning.

Thank goodness Clerks 2 is up next.

Overall Rating: 0 out of 10. Even the gag reel sucked.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hall of Shame

I FINALLY found something that I can post about. Apparently, the next NFL Hall of Fame class will be announced this weekend. Now that I live in Dallas, all I've heard about all week is Michael Irvin. This is the 3rd year that he is eligible and everyone around here is expecting him to get the bid. Why? Because "he's the best receiver not in the Hall of Fame right now." That's the lamest rationale I've ever heard. OK, say he gets in, then is the next best receiver after him automatically in? There's always going to be a "next best not in the Hall" out there. What good is a Hall of Fame if everybody gets in? I guess I just don't get it.

This brings me to the next question - should off-the-field incidents make a difference? It should not make a difference, depending of course on the offense. Should we let murderers in the Hall because they had great stats? Obviously not. Should Pete Rose be in the baseball HOF? Absolutely. My problem with this is when borderline HOF players still get in with multiple incidents. Irvin was charged multiple times with possession of cocaine and crack. On the field, he was great for a few years, mostly because he had Aikman and Emmitt Smith on the team. The Cowboys would have won those titles without Irvin, I have no doubt about that. There's no way he belongs in the Hall. He's no Jerry Rice, or even Marvin Harrison, for that matter.

I don't have a legitimate laundry list of off the field things that should keep players out. But how about just concentrating on only letting the great players in? Performance enhancing drugs should definitely keep you out (McGwire & Bonds), but Pete Rose was one of the greatest baseball players of all time and gambled that his team would win. I don't think this should keep Charlie Hustle out. Irvin was a good receiver that is a complete tool of a commentator and smoked crack. Let's do everyone a favor and leave him out. ESPN is definitely not helping his cause by putting him on national TV every week so he can make a complete ass of himself.

To recap: McGwire out, Bonds out, Rose in, Irvin out. We should go ahead and prepare our busts for the bloggers Hall of Fame. I want mine to be made of cheese.

Friday, February 02, 2007

Random TV Thoughts

I had several ideas for a regular post, but I decided to lump a few small things together instead.

-In case you hadn't already heard, Monday, February 14th is going to be a 2 hour 24 event. I can't wait. I expect things to really pick up in the next couple of weeks. It took about 6 episodes last season to really get into the swing of things, and I think we're just about there.

-I haven't mentioned Desperate Housewives on here in quite awhile, so I'll go ahead and throw in my $0.02 now. I'm kind of torn on this season. There have been times where I have liked it as much as I have ever liked the show, and then there are other times where it's almost painful to watch. For instance, I love the Scavo Pizzeria idea. I hope it works out well for them. On the other hand, Zack Young should not be trying to date Gabrielle Solis, even if he is a billionaire now. There's been a surprising lack of Nicolette Sheridan on the show this year, which is even more disappointing when you consider the work she's had done since last season. I swear, blow up an HD picture of her and you can see a difference. I hate seeing it go to waste. Also, the whole "Delfino in a coma" storyline is getting tiresome. I realize he has woken up now, but still. A little soapy, even for a show like this. Last thing (I promise) is that Marcia Cross's pregnancy is really hurting the show. Bree was the best character on the show last season, without a doubt, and they are kind of limited to what they can do with her now since they can't even put her on camera from the chest down, or without throwing something random into the frame to block your view of her belly.

-Speaking of my vagina, how awesome is Grey's Anatomy. George and Callie got hitched, making her Callie O'Malley! How awesome is that? I actually laughed out loud at that one. In another crazy turn of events last night, Meredith's mom snaps out of her Alzheimers, and is totally lucid. I had no idea this could happen. Maybe they just made this up for dramatic effect, but it worked. She's such a bitch. At first I couldn't understand why Meredith didn't want to talk to her, but they made it pretty clear as to why she felt that way. Anyway, it was really sad at the end to see her go back into her funk again. I feel like such a chick for saying it, but I think the only shows I look forward to more than this one are 24, Lost, American Idol and The Office.

-Speaking of American Idol, I'm completely sick of auditions. Have they ever lasted this long before? I was about 95% sure that Wednesday night was the last audition night. It made perfect sense...last audition in LA, so there's a logical transition to Hollywood week. Instead, we're going to San Antonio next week! I realize that this show brings in huge ratings for Fox, and they have to milk it for all it's worth, but give me a break. Enough is enough. Let's get to the real part of the competition. I feel like I've already seen every nut job and every delusional singer that this country already has to offer, so there's no need to subject us to another audition show.

-I'm really tired of Dr. Phil, Oprah, Maury and Rachael Ray. My wife watches all of these shows religiously, and the only one I can even remotely stomach (sometimes) is Dr. Phil. Rachael Ray is annoying, Oprah is pompous, and Maury is literally the same show every day. And the worst part about Maury is it's always a hoodrat or trailer park ho screaming back and forth with the baby daddy. You can't even hear anything because every other word is bleeped out. Anyway, I'm just really tired of all these shows on the DVR backlog. I'll just leave it at that before I end up getting served with divorce papers.

In Bauer We Trust

Thursday, February 01, 2007

This world is all turned around

OK, I know I am going to ruffle some feathers with this one. Maybe even the feathers of my 2 cohorts here. But, I have no choice. I have to do it.
Sometime last year in Kansas City, a woman was pulled over for having a fake temporary tag on the window of her car. The 2 KC did their job and asked for her ID. She didn't have one. Suspended license. They asked her for insurance. She obviously didn't have that either. They actually saw her a few minutes before they stopped her with no temp tags. She went to the store and came out and put it on.
When they pulled her over, she said she was bleeding and that she was 3 months pregmant. She kept offering to show the cops (one of them being female) her under shorts to prove her story. They declined each time (thank goodness). She was placed in jail for the evening. The next morning, she went to the hospital and miscarried. She was 3 months pregnant. As you might suspect, there's an uproar here in town now.
Look, I don't like cops, but they did their job that night. The woman they pulled over had a rap sheet a mile long. She had outstanding many warrants. One warrant in particular was for mistreatment of children!
How many stories and excuses do you think cops hear when people are trying to get out of a ticket or a night in the cooley? Next time I get pulled over, I', going to tell them I have an enlarged prostate and see if that works.
Here's where it gets a little contoversial........
She had it coming. She was a gutter rat. She got pulled over for breaking the law. She was arrested for breaking the law many times over. She miscarried a baby. Yes, that sucks. My wife and I have been through it before. But this woman had a warrant out for mistreating children!!! They probably did her a favor. Had she had that child, she would have just neglected it and abused it I'm sure. That child's in a better place now than having to grow up like that.
Now she's suing. And here's what will happen. She'll win. She'll get an ungodly amount of money so that she can blow it on some 24" rims to put on that car that doesn't have any tags or insurance. Maybe she can find another baby daddy to get her knocked up again. Trash like that doesn't deserve the blessing of having children.
Were those cops a little abrasive and insensitive? Yep. Probably. Was it deserved. Probably. Was it their fault she miscarried? I doubt it, but that's how it will play out in the courts.
God bless the judicial sysstem and all the welfare mommas that it supports and upholds. What a crooked society. People feel so sorry for this street trash gutter rat, and she'll make a butt-load of money on this farse of a lawsuit, but a widow of a soldier that died defending this country gets peanuts. They get a little. But it pales in comparison to what this hood rat will get.
What do I know?

Side note:
I just ordered Ted Nugent's book, "God, Guns, and Rock 'n Roll". I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about after that shows up on my doorstep!!