Thursday, February 01, 2007

This world is all turned around

OK, I know I am going to ruffle some feathers with this one. Maybe even the feathers of my 2 cohorts here. But, I have no choice. I have to do it.
Sometime last year in Kansas City, a woman was pulled over for having a fake temporary tag on the window of her car. The 2 KC did their job and asked for her ID. She didn't have one. Suspended license. They asked her for insurance. She obviously didn't have that either. They actually saw her a few minutes before they stopped her with no temp tags. She went to the store and came out and put it on.
When they pulled her over, she said she was bleeding and that she was 3 months pregmant. She kept offering to show the cops (one of them being female) her under shorts to prove her story. They declined each time (thank goodness). She was placed in jail for the evening. The next morning, she went to the hospital and miscarried. She was 3 months pregnant. As you might suspect, there's an uproar here in town now.
Look, I don't like cops, but they did their job that night. The woman they pulled over had a rap sheet a mile long. She had outstanding many warrants. One warrant in particular was for mistreatment of children!
How many stories and excuses do you think cops hear when people are trying to get out of a ticket or a night in the cooley? Next time I get pulled over, I', going to tell them I have an enlarged prostate and see if that works.
Here's where it gets a little contoversial........
She had it coming. She was a gutter rat. She got pulled over for breaking the law. She was arrested for breaking the law many times over. She miscarried a baby. Yes, that sucks. My wife and I have been through it before. But this woman had a warrant out for mistreating children!!! They probably did her a favor. Had she had that child, she would have just neglected it and abused it I'm sure. That child's in a better place now than having to grow up like that.
Now she's suing. And here's what will happen. She'll win. She'll get an ungodly amount of money so that she can blow it on some 24" rims to put on that car that doesn't have any tags or insurance. Maybe she can find another baby daddy to get her knocked up again. Trash like that doesn't deserve the blessing of having children.
Were those cops a little abrasive and insensitive? Yep. Probably. Was it deserved. Probably. Was it their fault she miscarried? I doubt it, but that's how it will play out in the courts.
God bless the judicial sysstem and all the welfare mommas that it supports and upholds. What a crooked society. People feel so sorry for this street trash gutter rat, and she'll make a butt-load of money on this farse of a lawsuit, but a widow of a soldier that died defending this country gets peanuts. They get a little. But it pales in comparison to what this hood rat will get.
What do I know?

Side note:
I just ordered Ted Nugent's book, "God, Guns, and Rock 'n Roll". I'm sure I'll have plenty to write about after that shows up on my doorstep!!


Brent said...

I hadn't heard about this story. Has it been in the Star?

I think the most confusing part about all this is when you mentioned your two cohorts, or whatever. Who the heck is the other guy? There's me and you who post on here, but I think that's it. What is the third guy's name? I was thinking 10-Key, but we kicked him off already.

I'm sure it will come to me later.

Brent said...

On a more serious note, I wouldn't even be happy with anyone having a miscarriage, but you're right. Cops probably hear crazy stories all the time from people trying to get out of tickets. I'm sure they've had people play the pregnancy card only to find out that it was untrue.

Your thoughts kind of tie into the movie "Idiocracy"...why the heck is it that the welfare hoodrats multiply like rabbits yet decent guys like myself are just barely to their first kid?

In the words of the great Chris Rock. Stop fuckin!