Thursday, February 22, 2007

Switch Gears

Since I'm not totally in love with the last 2 posts on this blog, I'm going to go ahead and switch gears a little. I'm going to do my best to put a little more balls back into this thing again. Yes, it's time for my weekly extremeist rant.
I've been reading a book entitled. "God, Guns, and Rock 'n' Roll". Written by the incomparable Ted Nugent. I know there are quite a few people that think he's nuts. They are wrong. He's passionate about life, music, the Constitution, and his family. He's a survivalist. He's always prepared for a catastrophe or hard times.
If that's being nuts, then put a little white jacket on me and throw me in a rubber room. So many of the things he writes about, I believe in, wholeheartedly. So, let me tell you, my fellow bloggers, some things that I would do, If I were you, to prepare for a Democrap in the White House. Or when times get tough, these are always goodthings to do to be prepared for anything.
Buy as many guns as you can and lots of ammo. Heaven's knows they will try to make them all illegal. Buy the ammo for them to. Guns don't kill people, the ammunition does!
Buy a generator. If power is lost, you will never be cold. And you can listen to the news on the radio or watch it on a TV.
Store food and water. We have about 3 months of food and water supply in our house right now. Our goal is to have a year's worth. Get canned goods, cereals, crackers, chips, pastas, freeze dried or dehydrated foods. If you know what to do with it, store powdered milk, flour, wheat, and beans and legumes. You can live a long, long time eating these foods everyday.
Have a 72 hour kit for each member of your household. This should include, but is not limited to: flashlight, pocket knife, blanket, first aid kit, necessary toiletries, some protein or granola bars or MRE's, water pouches, etc. Keep this stuff in seperate duffle bags or backpacks. This will insure they are easily transportable.
Learn to fish and hunt. Once you've caught or shot something, learn what to do with it from there. To survive, you can't just shoot it, or catch it on a line. You've got to know what to do with it from there so you can provide for your family.
Get you concealed carry permit. Lord knows if Hillary or Obama are Presidents, they will want to do away with this God-given right. At least if you have a permit already they will probably have to grandfather you in because you've already gone through the correct channels to get licensed.
I know this sounds radical, and to some, maybe it is. But for me, it gives me a great deal of comfort to know that I have done these things and am ready to protect and provide for my family no matter what happens.
I'm not just talking about the day when the government falls and people will have to protect everything they have (which will happen someday). I'm talking about a tornado, ice storms, heavy snow. If those people in New York that have had 11 feet of snow knew of these things, they wouldn't be worried at all. They can easily survive with what they have in their home.
I lost a job about 8 years ago. Money was real tight and sometimes nonexistent! Because of our food storage, we didn't have to buy groceries (except for milk and bread). We were prepared.
Call me an extremeist, radical, militant, or whatever else you want. Just don't call me when tought times are here and you didn't listen to the promptings of ol' Matt and Uncle Ted!!!

Long Live The Nuge!


Brent said...

How can you not totally be in love with the last 2 posts on this blog? What are you, some kind of girly man?

Big Shaky said...

You are writing about Grey's Anatomy and Desperate Housewives, and American Idol, but I'm a girly man?

Josh said...

You're both a couple of chicks. I watched The Marine with John Cena and it changed my life!