Thursday, February 08, 2007

I need to get this off my chest....

.....I've put it off too long. There is a subject that everyone loves to talk about. A subject that might be the biggest lie and dramatization in the history of the world if it keeps up this pace. I'm talking about a little thing called global warming. I can't even type those 2 words together without getting pissed off. The icing on the cake.....Al Gore is up for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize because of his FICTIONAL movie called The Inconvenient Truth. Dear Lord, what is this world coming to?
Liberals are going to keep spouting off about the ozone and how the glaciers are melting and that if the glaciers melt, it will cause flooding of global proportions. Please. Have you ever heard of displacement? I heard a scientist talking on the radio about it. He said Gore is full of crap (big surprise) and that we could prove it with a glass of ice water. Take a glass of ice water, fill it to the top of the glass. Let the ice melt. When it melts, did the water overflow the top of the glass? Nope! In fact, you can barely even tell the level of the water moved at all. It's the same thing with the glaciers. If they melt.....well..... they melt! This same scientist that is actually a climatologist said that the warmer climates like this cycle around about every 1500 years. In fact, he cited some worries and fears 30 years ago about global cooling!! That's right, just 30 years ago, people were worried about global cooling. You mean to tell me, in 30 years of time, we have gone from worrying about our world getting too cold to worrying about the world baking?
Now the latest thing is light bulbs. I guess the freakin' knee-jerk libs have decided that by the year 2010, we should all have energy-efficient light bulbs in our house. Who gives a crap what kind of light bulbs I use in my house? Is that really going to lower the world's temperature? No. But if there's a way to legislate something new, the Democraps will do it.
Here's where it starts. Smoking bans. I'm not a tobacco user, but I disagree with trying to ban people from doing things that are legal. What's next? Are there going to be inspectors come into my home to make sure I have the correct liught bulbs in my home? Go ahead and laugh, but that's where this country is heading. If this happens, I've decided I'm going to start selling this stuff on the black market. Soon, people will pay a mint for old, energy-eating light bulbs, cheap cigarettes, and 6 gallon-per-flush toilets. I'll be rich.
I hate to keep playing this same song (ok, not really), but you guys will look back and remember how right I was. If the terrorist wannabe Obama, or the bra-burning, it-takes-a-village-to-raise-a-child-(hippie) Hillary Clinton get into the white house, many freedoms that we take for granted now, will be gone. We won't be able to choose what kind of health care we want to participate in. We won't be able to buy certain kinds of cars. We won't be able to buy any more firearms. Taxes will be through the roof. Queers will be able to marry anywhere. Dogs and cats living together.....mass hysteria!!
Look, I love American stuff. I love Fords. I love V8's. I love trucks, tractors, my eight firearms, my bow, country music, John Wayne movies, and my right to enjoy each and everyone of those things. And I won't have some left-wing hippies come in and tell me that I can't enjoy them because I'm contributing to the demise of the planet, or they are too dangerous to have. Laws, or no laws, I'll have them. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!

Damn hippies.


Josh said...

Gore is also up for an academy award for his lame movie. Was this really anything genious? Is Al Gore standing in front of a Power Point or charts and graphs really worthy of an Oscar??? Hmmm, I wonder which way the academy will vote in '08...

Brent said...

I can't believe that an idea so simple is so overlooked by everyone. I remember reading in elementary school that water expands as it freezes.

I will also say that I think smoking bans are one of the best things ever. The entire city of Olathe is smoke free now, and I'm sure more will follow. I love being able to go out to dinner and not having to take a shower when I get home becuase i reek of smoke. Sure it's your right or whatever to smoke, but I think everyone can pretty much agree that it's hazardous to everyone's health, even if you're not the guy with one of those things in your mouth.