Thursday, February 15, 2007

Come One, Come All !!!

I consider myself conservative. OK, REALLY conservative. I've always voted Republican, NEVER Democrat. But let me tell you a little something, I am extremely disappointed in the current President and minions. It flat-out pisses me off!
I just read earlier this week that we've been negotiating with North Korea to let weapons inspectors back in their country. In return, we are going to give them $400,000,000 wirth of oil among other things. So now we are negotiating with who we consider to be one of the axis of evil?!?! We are giving them oil, and they don't even have to quit making nukes, they just have to let in weapons inspectors?? What a great deal for them! He's busting a gut right now, I'm sure.
Al Quaeda leaders are running for cover now to Iran, but that douchebag president of theirs says that he has nothing to do with any terrorist acts. Well let's just call off the investigation then. If he says it, it must be true. Good grief!
I'll tell you what we should do. Send in a couple of snipers. One to North Korea, one to Iran and take out those scum leaders that are in power now. Neither one are very popular in their respective countries. They are just very powerful and everyone there is afraid to do a thing about it. For heaven's sake, that sand monkey in Iran is doing interviews with the US media!! He can't be that hard to find if he and Diane Sawyer are chumming it up. Shoot him. Shoot that Sum Yung Guy or whatever his name is. Survival of the fittest. Natural Selection only we are doing the selection. We need to sack up and act like we have a pair. This is war. ALL IS FAIR IN WAR. Kill them.
People in America make it real hard to win a war. What's with all the sympathy towards other countries? They want Americans dead. Plain and simple. But Hollywood, the democraps, and all the other flag-burning, tofu-eatin', anti-war chanting, hippie, fags think we need to be more thoughtful and respectful to those people that want us dead. I don't understand it.
One more thing. GW had a press conference yesterday. It was all BS, but one of the most disturbing things is that he wants to bring in Iraqis!. He said by the end of this year, he wants to bring in at least 7,000 Iraqi refugees. Are you kidding me?!? 7,000! Iraqis! We can't keep Mexicans in their own country, now you want to bring in the Iraqis too? This is absolutley insane. A bunch of bleeding-heart libs were calling on all the radio shows saying they think we should let in a couple of million in here!!!!! I'm serious, I am so pissed right now, I can't type fast enough! Does anyone think maybe some of these 7,000 could be sleepers for the enemy? Can't happen huh? Guess what? The massacre in the Salt Lake City mall was a Bonian refugee. They brought he and his family in because of the turmoil they suffered in Bosnia. Oh, I forgot to mention.....HE WAS A FREAKIN' MUSLIM, KILLING CHRISTIANS!!! But we won't have any problems with these refugees, I'm just sure of it.
We've turned into a nation of cowards. Politically correct. Liberal. Let me tell you the same thing that Michael Savage says, "Liberalism is a mental disease!"
I have to quit talking about this before it ruins my entire day.

Here's the first of MANY future quotes from Ted Nugent's book: God, Guns, and Rock 'n Roll. "If survivalists are looney, then nonsurvivalists are just plain wimps."
Hail the the Nuge


Brent said...

I'm not as well read on world events as I would like to be, but this shocks me. We're GIVING them $400,000,000 worth of oil? Are you kidding me? Is this a UN thing or is solely coming from the good ol' US of A?

Bush is definitely not going to be one of our more well remembered presidents of our lifetime. It's one of those things where I don't think anyone put in his position would be remembered all that well, but he sure seems to mess up a lot of things. He doesn't even have that much support in Congress from his own party anymore does he?

On another note, I heard on Letterman last night that Al Franken is going to run for the Senate in Minnesota.

Josh said...

I'm Back!!!

It really doesn't matter if it's just us or the UN is involved - we are the UN. They look to us to fix things when money is needed or force is necessary. Then, they only pipe up when they want to disagree. The USA would be better off leaving the UN, pulling out of all contries and saying, "You don't agree with us, so try it for yourself for a while." They wouldn't have a prayer.

By the way, my son is amazing and I can't believe how blessed we are. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

Also, I finally watched 24 tonight, so I'm caught up. I can't believe how awesome that show is - it seems like I'm shocked every week. Can't wait for the next one.