Friday, January 18, 2008

Digger Phelps is Gay

Ok, I've had a hard enough time getting into this college basketball season. I was watching Sportscenter the other day, and in between steroid news that nobody cares about and watching pencilneck John Clayton trying to discuss the NFL, I saw a segment with Digger Phelps. By all accounts, he's a brilliant studio guy. He knows more than I'll ever know about basketball, but one thing he fails to realize is how stupid he looks wearing a tie that is the same color as the highlighter in his hand. A couple of things here:

1) If he didn't blatantly show the highlighter to the camera when he talks, I could maybe live with this. But he is clearly making a point to show that he is holding a highlighter that matches his tie. Gay.

2) Who carries a highlighter around all the time?

Anyway, Sportscenter sucks enough as it is. We don't need fashion miscues such as this to drag it down even more. Come on Digger, I know you're not really this lame!

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