Tuesday, January 23, 2007

eenie, meenie, mynee,..........moe!

OK, It's official, Hillary, Clinton and Barack Obama have both announced their intentions for the '08 presidency. You have no idea how much this sickens me. Which is the lesser of 2 evils here?
Hillary is.......well everyone knows what Hillary is. She's a part of the Clinton Machine and has been ever since her old man was in the White House. Obama is almost just as liberal. Now, get this, the dirt is now, that Barack Obama was educated in a Muslim school in Indonesia when he was younger.
Great. Some reports say that he's actually Muslim and just hides it well. Others say that he was just getting a well rounded education when his family lived abroad. I don't care what the actual truth is. If he's been close enough to the fire, he's bound to get burned.
Brent, has anyone accused you of being a Muslim? Josh how 'bout you? I know I haven't. That means I've never been that close to being a terrorist. If he's been close enough to the action to be accused or be mistaken for a Muslim.......please.......the American people as a whole frighten me.
Now for Hill. We all know what a liberal, bra-burning, tofu-fartin', bleeding heartskunk she is. She's a Clinton for heaven's sake! She learned from the biggest worm of them all. I ranted on and on about her before, but I don't think enough can be said about what dire straits our country would be in if she were elected to the presidency.
First of all, the first ladt will be a former US President!! What a joke! I can't wait to see him in a skirt on election day!
Seriously, Hillary is pro-abortion, pro socialized medicine, pro big government, pro gay marriage, pro high taxes and anti-gun. Everything that this country was built on will come to an abrupt halt. I have a bad feeling that she has the best chance right now to make it out of the primaries. Frightening. She will want the government to control us. She will want everyone to have the same of everything, no rich, no poor, no capitalism. She'll try to take my guns away and try to make it ok for queers to have the same rights as you and me. It' so wrong. Hippie.
GW has disappointed me in the second half of his presidency, but at least he's a decent human being. At least he is a God-fearing man who loves his family. A church-going man who believes in the principles tha this great nation was built upon. I actually feel bad for him. He didn't ask someone to attack our nation less than a year into his first term. He was put in a "damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't" situation right off the bat. No win.
If anyone values America and values their right to choose, choose Mitt Romney. He's the best candidate for the '08 election. I challenge everyone to read about him and vote him through the primaries. Give him a shot. He has no skeletons, no drug addictions, and no queers in the closet waiting to pop out at him.
I'm just getting warmed up!!!

In Nuge we trust


Josh said...

I watched the state of the union last night and it almost made me ill. Not because of what W said, but because Nancy Pelosi's plastic mug was on my TV the whole time. What a slug!

My favorite part of the speach is when W mentioned something about taking care of social security without raising taxes. All of the Republicans clapped, but the Democrats sat on their hands. That's enough for me right there, without all of the other idiocies I disagree with.

Sidebar - W's speach was 49 minutes, but he was interrupted by aplause 62 times. Is that possible??? Better question, is it necessary? I don't get it.

Brent said...

While watching the State of the Union the other night, I couldn't help but feel bad for Bush. I think everyone can concede that he won't go down in history as a great President. A lot of people are going to complain about the way he handled the war on terror, particularly the way he handled Iraq. But I kept thinking to myself...what the heck is he supposed to do?

This is a different time we live in. This isn't like the World Wars, or the revolutionary war. There were some semblance of rules that were at work there. There were armies and uniforms. There were specific sides everyone was fighting on. This is much, much different. The bad guys in this war are crazy. They're willing to blow themselves up for their cause. There isn't an easy way to fight them.

We've done what we've had to do. It's not a pretty job, and people, our troops, are going to die fighting this war. It's just reality. And as bad as it seems, it's a heck of a lot better than the amount of casualties we've seen in previous wars. I don't have any numbers handy, but how many 20 year olds met their early demise against the Nazis and Japanese? We're not doing that bad. Blame faulty intelligence, or bad decision making all you want. There are going to be casualties in a war.

I don't know about the rest of you, but when Bush was talking about the terror cells they've taken out, I was terrified and thankful all at the same time. They stopped an anthrax threat? Another threat to hijack airplanes? Terrific. It's nuts to think that these sorts of things can happen. But that's who we're up against. These guys have no rules, and there's nothing they won't do to kill us. We've got to keep fighting. If we don't, we're letting them win. We're going to lose some great men and women in the process, but if the end result is not having to worry about getting blown up by a car bomb in 50 years, then wasn't it all worth it?

Big Shaky said...

Good call guys!
If we pull out now, we have just created another Vietnam. We've also made ourselves out as cowards. Americans don't cut and run. I hate to keep being so partisan (no, I don't), but these damn democraps kill me. For the life of me, I'll never understand how someone begins to think like they think. They have no accountability, they are cowards.
I'm telling you now, if we cut and run out of Iraq this year, by 2010, we'll have suicide bombers on the street of the ol' USA. Mark my words. I hope I'm wrong, but we know I'm not.

In Nuge we trust

Brent said...

I can kind of see how they think. Let's face it, we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Some are going to think that we just need to seal the borders at home. The more proactive and long term solution is probably what we're doing. But let's face it, we're fighting a fight that is harder to win than any previous fights our nation has fought.

There are so many different terror groups out there that aren't affiliated with any governments, so that's a large part of the problem. We can declare war on Iran, for instance, but we can't officially declare war on Hezbollah or Al Quaeda, right?

There's so much division over there. In any given country you could have three groups that hate each other. How in the heck are you supposed to unite them under a single government? It's a daunting task, to say the least.

Josh said...

One of the problems too is that they won't seal the borders. The left also wants the "melting pot" here, so they want to cater to illegals and deny funding for more border patrol. We can't go get 'em and we can't protect ourselves - now what?