Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Friday Night Lights

First things first, a big FU to channel 41 for not having the HD feed up for about one third of the episode. Thanks guys.

What a great show this week. Light years beyond what we were subjected to last week. Of course, I have a few nit-picks, but overall this might have been the best show of the season.

I love the Saracen kid. What a doofus, yet he is such a good guy that you can't help but like him. I still wonder why in the world Taylor's daughter would ever give him a chance, but at least he's a decent guy. By the way, how awkward was the part where the movie was sold out and he played the "I'm Matt Saracen, the Dillon QB card"? Totally lame.

Am I the only one who's noticed that Coach Taylor is wearing the same shirt in literally every scene? It's a blue polo that says "Dillon Football" or something like that. He's never wearing anything else. Couldn't they change it up a little?

I didn't care much for the Street/Riggins stuff last week, but now I take it back. They had to set up this week somehow, and there was some really good stuff here. I thought all the guys would going to beat the crap out of Riggins (and they probably should) but instead they just busted up his truck. Every week that passes with Street though, I can't help but think that his character really doesn't fit in with the rest of the show. I would like it a lot more if he was still the QB for the team. The fact that he can't walk anymore just isn't all that important.

On the other hand, if Street and Tyra have sex, I take back everything I wrote above about not caring about Street. This has to happen. I mean, it seems like such a given considering how much of a slut Tyra is. Nothing is going to prevent this from happening, right? It was also nice to see Lyla ridiculed throughout the episode. Shame on her. Oh, and as hot as she is, she's even hotter in HD. When the HD feed went down (thanks again KSHB), I really noticed it.

Real quick on the Smash storyline. Nice of the producers to totally stereotype the Gatling town. Ugh. Oh, and I know it's Texas and everyone takes high school football a little too seriously, but since when do high school teams get police escorts? I remember riding to Lee's Summit on our bus one time, and we were stuck in rush hour traffic for like 45 minutes. Also, Gatling apparently has a 5-star hotel? Obviously I don't know anything about Gatling, if it even exists, but if it's the poverty stricken town they make it out to be, chances are, they don't have a Hilton. I'm just saying. Anyway, my favorite thing about Smash's steroid use is his one zit that moves around on his face as the episode progresses. First it was on his chin, then on his cheek. Wasn't this a scene in one of the Austin Powers movies?

My biggest nitpick with the show was the ending of the game against Gatling. Ok, the score is 2-0 and Dillon has one last shot at a win. I can buy that. But who on earth calls a SHOVEL PASS with 6 seconds left on the clock? Come on! The football parts of this show just seem really stupid most of the time, which is amazing considering this is a FOOTBALL SHOW. I guess a hail mary was a little too cheesy for them or something, but it just seems like they could have done a better job with this. Gatling apparently had everyone blitzing on the play too. Smash broke through the line and there was nobody left to tackle him. Uh, guys, you might want to run a 4 deep prevent next time.

Anyway, I'm extremely excited for next week. There's the long awaited Saracen/Taylor showdown. Looks like Coach wants Matt to stay away from Julie. Great stuff. I guess we'll also find out what happened with Street and Tyra.


Josh said...

Nice work. Oh, and you poor thing for not having HD for PART of your show. Try having an HDTV with NO HD and NO DVR! My television cusses at me every night for not being able to reach its potential. It sucks.

But I digress...I can see a pretty solid cat fight coming with Tyra and Layla. We can only hope that there is hot oil and pugil sticks involved (American Gladiator style).

Brent said...

I like your thinking.

And your TV should be screaming at you. It's a shame that you are not sacking up for HD DVR service. At the very least, get yourself an antenna!

Josh said...

I tried the antenna, but it didn't work. I think it's because I'm on the ground floor of an apartment building. Trust me, I would much rather have HD.

Brent said...

Get a bigger antenna. Get one that even Nuge would be proud of.