Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Terrorist in Congress

OK, It's been a few weeks since I posted something like this, but I figured this one needed some pub.
Democraps in Minnesotaelected a Muslim to be a menber of Congress. I knew this. I didn't like it, but I figured I would leave it alone for the moment. Now, he just opened up pandora's box by stating that he isn't going to take his Constitutional oath on the Bible, he is going to take the oath on the Quran!!! Keith (Hakim-Mohammed) Ellison is the Democrap representative who insists he is a "patriot". He just never specifies to whom he is patriotic towards. Not only that, but it seems ol' Mohammed, who we will just refer to as Mo now, has a bit of a sketchy past as well. But what else can we expect from a party of politically correct, bleeding-heart cowards?
Critics aren't real sure if his loyalties can be trusted. Mo is affiliated with a group that preaches that no Muslim can pledge loyalty to the Constitution or make laws outside the laws of the Quran, which this group asserts is the "supreme law of the land". I'm serious, read the article on . This is a travesty. We are at war with terrorists and we now have a member of Congress that supports these types of terror groups and ideologies? Buckle up, this might take a while, but I think everyone needs to know about this jack-ass.
In 1998, Mo was a part of a police protest (he is a civil rights lawyer too) and was distributing copies of a paper called "The Final Call". No big deal right? The Final Call is the paper written by Louis Farrakkan, the Nation of Islam's leader.
Mo spoke to the afore-mentioned group NAIF (North American Imams Federation) on Nov. 19th of this year. Later that day, he had a meeting with the NAIF's president, Omar Ahmad Shanin. He also met at the same time, with Siraj Wahhaj, a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing. This guy keeps good company huh? These people denounce the US system of democracy and have stated it on many occasions. They believe that the Quran is the only law. Period. And any document or Constitution that has laws converse to its teachings is wrong. Furthermore, they believe that no Muslim elected to Congress or the White House can swear to uphold the US Constitution and still be a Muslim. "Any belief that contradicts Islam is false". This makes me feel real warm and cozy at night. Luckily he's in Minnesota......for now. What about when the Democraps decide to elect Barack Hussein Obama as President in '08? Just a thought.
Do you know who backed ol' Mo's campaign this year? CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations). He also had an alias one time of Keith X Ellison. What an idiot!!!
He's failed to pay taxes which resulted in liens on his homes, he's failed to pay over 40 parking and traffic tickets which has twice led to his Minnesota license being suspended, he also racked up hefty fines from campaign finance violations and defended the leader of a cop-killing gang. What a gem this guy is!!!
So now we have a guy in Congress that is batting for the other team, so to speak. I understand that America is the land of the free. I also understand that we are able to worship freely in the chapels, synagogues, mosques, and temples of our choice. But, when these things interfere with how the country is run, or the safety of our nation, there has to be a line drawn. Minnesota made a huge blunder here. Mark my words, they have made a huge mistake. The mere fact that an individual has refused to place his hand on the Bible, the records that this great nation was built on, is tragic. The fact that he will place his hand on a book that teaches against the Constitution is beyond tragic, it's treasonous.
Just wait, the Democraps will soon pull us out of Iraq. When we cut bait and run, they will follow us. They will bring this fight to the streets of America. Like Ted Nugent says, they better find a different street than mine to come down.
Thanks for what you've started Minnesota. Damn hippies.

In Nuge We Trust!!!


Brent said...

I must admit, I had no idea that this happened. What a loan of BS. I can't believe that he got elected, but then again, we're talking about the same group of people who voted Jesse Ventura into office. Maybe the stupid from Canada is drifting across the border.

Big Shaky said...

True, but soon there won't even be a Canada or Mexico. Just a Large North American socialist country. I'm heading to Ireland, all they do there is drink beer and fight. I like to fight.

Josh said...

I heard that this guy got elected, but, of course, they didn't publisize his past. Just like you said - just another step in the wrong direction. Quoting Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men - "All we've done is weaken a nation here today."

Side note: I was watching ol' Glenn Beck tonight and he was talking with Al Sharpton. Ugh! He did bring up the fact that he talks about the plight of black people, but Beck pointed out that he was wearing a $10,000 Rolex on the show. Sharpton said it was a gift...I'm sure it was - maybe from Jesse Jackson, Oprah, O.J., Michael Jordan, T.O., or any of the other blacks making millions every year. I think you get my point.

Brent said...

Ok, I'll play the role of Morris here...Publisize? IndepMO education at its finest!

Josh said...

There went my dream of becoming an English professor!

Big Shaky said...

I saw the Glenn Beck show last night too. I can't even look at that Sharpton for too long without becoming sick. He speaks out of both sides of his mouth, depending on the crowd he is speaking to. Typical.
All this douche in Minnesota proves is how uninformed and uneducated people are about who is in office. Not as uneducated as us Indep MO-ites, but uneducated, nonetheless.