Thursday, December 07, 2006

Real World: Denver - Airdate 12/6/07

As I said in an earlier post, I stopped watching Real World after the Austin season because it got boring. After watching the latest episode featuring the insanity that is the Denver cast, I'm glad RW is back on track.

Where to begin? Well, let's start with Davis. He's the token gay guy this season. He happened to leave a club in the midst of some random person dropping an N-bomb on the "other" black guy in the house. I use the word "other" because I can't remember his name. Not Tyrie, but the other guy. Anyway, I'm not sure what caused this, but somehow Davis gets blamed for abandoning his roommate or something, as if these guys have been in combat together for six months instead of living in fantasy land for the last 6 hours.

Well, Tyrie decides he wants answers. Let me tell you a little something about Tyrie. He's crazy. Crazy as in too-crazy-for-the-Mad-Real-World crazy. He's a lunatic. He said that he has three separate personas. There's normal, mild-mannered Tyrie, there is his "Dark Kent" alter-eo, as in Clark Kent, only black. I'm not making this up. Then there's the Hulk persona, which apparently off the charts crazy. We're talking outer space crazy. Well anyway, Dark Kent makes a brief appearance and gives way to the Hulk. Tyrie starts screaming at Davis about why he abandoned his roommate at the club. Rather than ignoring him, Davis just totally flips out, says he's going to leave the show, and says he is fearing for his life. I can't say I really blame him. But then he does a 180 and gets up in Tyrie's face, trying to get Tyrie to hit him, that way Tyrie gets sent packing by the producers. Well, Tyrie doesn't take the bait, everybody kisses and makes up, and they all live happily ever after. Well, until next week anyway.

My head is still spinning from this episode. I'm such a loser.

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