Sunday, December 31, 2006

Weekend DVD Recap

I've basically been doing nothing but sitting on my ass watching DVD's the last couple of days, so here is what I managed to watch.

Prison Break, Season 1 - I actually bought this months ago, and over the last two weeks, I finally got around to watching it. I had been watching the second season on regular TV, but it was really frustrating because sometimes it was hard to figure out some of the storylines because I wasn't familiar with any of the characters. I was totally blown away by this show, and would recommend anyone watch it.

Rating: 10 out of 10

Talladega Nights - Pretty funny movie overall, but this is one of Will Ferrell's weaker movies. He has set the bar pretty high with Old School and Anchorman, and Talladega just doesn't stack up. The whole "shake and bake" joke was kind of funny, but not the catch phrase that I think the writers were shooting for. The baby Jesus stuff was great, but not enough to carry the movie. It's not the type of movie I would watch over and over again like some of his other stuff.

Rating: 6.5 out of 10 (this would be higher, but I had high hopes for this one. A real disappointment)

My Super Ex-Girlfriend - This one wasn't my choice, but I really liked it. Uma Thurman stars as G-Girl, a super hero with all kinds of super powers. She and Luke Wilson meet and date for awhile, only Uma's alter ego is so neurotic, he calls it quits. So then Uma goes nuts, only she has the ability to be far crazier than the average psycho chick because of her super powers. Anyway, on paper this sounds kind of dumb, but it was actually a solid flick.

Rating: 8 out of 10

Nacho Libre - This has been reviewed already on this site, but basically Jack Black works at a monestary/orphanage in some dirt poor town in Mexico. He gets into luchador wrestling to earn money for better food for the kids. There's not really much plot going on here, but the physical comedy during the wrestling matches is excellent. Just a fun movie, and even my wife enjoyed it.

Rating: 7.5 out of 10

Next on tap: Cars, The Wire: Season 1

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