Monday, November 06, 2006

Ding, Dong, The Witch is Dead!!

That's right! Saddam Hussein was sentenced to hanging! I'm hoping they put it on pay-per-view. I want to watch this bastard's feet twitching at the very end of that rope.
I know you are going to find this hard to believe, but not everyone feels the same as I. The bleeding heart, lefty, liberal, communist, hippie, New York Times doesn't think that is "full justice". The paper, which is opposed to the death penalty, said "Iraq not only needed to hold Saddam fully accountable for his atrocitities, but also to heal and educate the nation that he ruthlessly divided". What a crock! Heal and educate?? Good grief! These hippies are a joke. I don't understand where they get off thinking they know what the Iraqis want. The paper also stated, "....but Iraq got neither the full justice nor the fairness it deserved." Did anyone see the news on this one? I saw Iraqis dancing in the streets. They were burning pictures of the hated dictator. There is one reason why the Lefty Times is making these types of statements. Because of President Bush's statement. GW said the trial was, "a milestone in the Iraqi peoples' efforts to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law."
Let me give you the scoop. This was huge for a country of people who were led by ruthless tyranny for way too long. Hussein needs to hang for his transgressions. Keeping him alive so that others can pay for him to have 3 squares a day and a warm bed to sleep in for the rest of his life would be wrong. The fact that everyone forgets is that the Iraqi people were able to try him in a free court. Could they have done this 5 years ago? I say nay! He was tried in a court of law by a group of his peers just like we do it in America. Imagine that! A free people! A democracy! A court of law! We can't cut and run now. This is a huge first step in the goal to help construct a more civilized and free Iraq from the wreck that Saddam Hussein created.
Just make sure it a tall tree, a short piece of rope, and to hang him high.

1 comment:

Josh said...

I agree! I also wish they would televise this to the world showing that (1) something good and right is happening in Iraq and (2) there is no place for terroristic dictators in this world. Unfortunately, we know it won't happen. It seems o.k. for American news to show Al Jazeera clips of terrorist beheading hostages, but this won't get so much as a sniff of airplay. It's a travesty.