Monday, November 27, 2006

Real World - Denver

Well, it's time for another season of the reality show that started it all...Real World: Denver! I could not be more excited. I'm finally ready to get back into the real world, after I finally grew sick of the Austin cast, I completely ignored the season in Key West. Judging by the clowns that I've seen on The Duel, I didn't miss much.

The cast is interesting, to say the least.

Jenn - former Oakland Raiders cheerleader. She managed to make out with Alex and Brooke in the very first episode, and probably piss off Colie, since she hooked up with Alex first, and wanted to again. Amazing. This girl has Trishelle potential. The sky is the limit here. Nothing would surprise me.

Alex - As I mentioned above, he made out with two cast members already. Hopefully he's smart enough to avoid a relationship with any of his housemates. I remember Danny and Melinda became bf/gf from pretty much the first day on the Austin cast. BORING! Let's hope Alex branches out a little bit here.

Colie - The producers really outdid themselves on this one. She's a shoe-in for the clingy, crazy girl. I totally see her as the type that makes the insane, screaming 3 am calls to yell at her boyfriend. Yikes. Of course, she has no boyfriend, but she likes making out, rather than baseball, because she's good at it. I'm sure her parents are proud.

Brooke - I really figured she would be the Southern Belle prude this season, only she made out with Jenn and said there was nothing wrong with experimentation. Now, I am all for some girl on girl, but don't these people realize the cameras are running all the time? Maybe I'm too modest, but I probably wouldn't profess things like this on camera. Again, what do her parents think? They really need to do something similar to ESPN full-circle coverage with these types of show. Air the show on one side of my screen, and give the family reactions on the other side. What could be better than this? Someone needs to make this happen.

Davis - The token gay guy. Can't they do something to spice up this role on the show? How about a bull dyke? It just seems played out at this point. I understand that they're trying to get a diverse crowd in the house, but how about going with a different typecast here. Every single person in the house expected that there would be a gay person in the house. Do something else to surprise us.

Stephen - He's the bible beater that can't handle the gay guy. Of course they had to cast him...again, just a little too predictable for me. I don't really know anything else about him, because that's all that they really mentioned about him on the premiere.

Tyrie - I love this guy because he makes me think of that "Mad Real World" Chappelle Show skit. Probably the funniest skit on any sketch comedy show ever. Anyway, I think this guy will probably end up with the most groupies, and he will also be the most likely person to contract VD during his stay in Denver. He even said the first thing he was going to unpack was a box of condoms. Obviously, he's a subtle guy. I found the link to the Mad Real World, and here it is:

Overall, it should be a great season. It seems like most of the group doesn't have any inhibitions. When the prude is making out with other chicks in week 1, I think we pretty much know what we're in for over the course of the season.

Episode rating: 8 out of 10
Season potential: 10 out of 10


Josh said...

I can't wait until Tyrie's fresh-outta-jail friend Lysol comes over to visit! I also like how the gay guy actually tried sleeping with chicks to not be gay. How great of a pick-up line would this be??? "Hey baby, would you sleep with me? I'm gay, but I don't really want to be."

You are totally right about the parents thing. I could have never been on a show like this because I know that my family would want to see it. How can any cast member's family be proud of them? "Look at me Mom - I can do keg stands and tongue-kiss multiple people at the same time!" That's our little star!

Brent said...

Lysol slept with Katie!

Big Shaky said...

I'm gonna sound a little old fashioned here, but I can't stand this show. The last guy I remember is Puck. I think this show represents everything I hate about society and what it's become. It's become so cliche. There's always an outspoken, obnoxious one, always one or two blacks, always a good looking white guy and a smokin' hot white girl. Don't forget, there's always one or two queers now too. We have a family rule in our house that we don't watch shows with gays in it.
It's getting harder and harder to find shows to watch!

Anonymous said...

Brent, you are so gay for watching this show. When are you going to get some Dr. Phil reviews up in here?

Brent said...

I could easily write a Dr. Phil review, since I watch it nearly every day. Not that there's anything wrong with that.