Saturday, November 18, 2006

Friday Night Lights research

I thought this would be fun. In the first post ever about the show, Josh mentioned that the entire cast looked a lot older than they should be. They're all high schoolers on the show, but just how old are the actors playing the characters? Well, here's what IMDB says:

Lyla Garrity: 26
Matt Saracen: 24
Tyra Collette: 23
Jason Street: 27
Julie Taylor: 17 (eek!)
Smash Williams: 23
Tim Riggins: 25


Anonymous said...

Seriously, is this what you do rather than making your weekly power rankings?

Josh said...

I knew it!!! I knew they couldn't be high school aged. Why can't Hollywood use more believable characters? There have got to be teenagers out there that can act. Look at Saved By The Bell...

Brent said...

Saved by the Bell was great, except they were in high school for about 10 years. But what a show, I can't think of a single show I have watched more in my entire life. I used to watch about 4 episodes a day every day for like 3 years. And yes, I am a loser.

Big Shaky said...

It's still on too! I catch an episode every now and then in the mornings before work. I think as a teen-ager I used to have dreams about Lisa Turtle, Kelly Kapowski, and Jessie Spanno. It's OK Brent, I'm a loser too.