Monday, November 27, 2006

Turkey for You, Turkey for Me.

I think I can easily say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. Hands down.
I know a lot of people like Christmas because of presents, others like Easter because of the candy, blacks like Kwanzaa because.....well......I don't know why, and women love Valentine's Day (so does Hallmark).
Thanksgiving is the King of the holidays in my book. What other day of the year is it not only ok, but it's expected that I eat myself into a food induced coma? What other day is it expected that I sit on my fat butt and do nothing but watch hours of football? And what other holiday produces days, if not weeks, of tasty left overs? I tell you, none, but Thanksgiving.
It's even better when you're married. Inevitably, we always swith off years. This year was at Gina's folks' house. Next year will be at my folks' house. But even though we might not spend the actual day there, we always spend the day after. It's like doubling up on Thanksgiving!! And not to worry, there is good football on Friday as well!
I think I have played my last Turkey Bowl game though (another fantastic tradition). The mind is willing, but the body screams for mercy. I think from now on, instead of playing football on Thanksgiving morning, I'm going to fish instead. Much less painful, and with tastier results. Either that or I might just explore my feminine side and watch a few hours of the Macy's Parade with my wife and 4 daughters!
I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend as much as I.
Happy Thanksgiving!


Brent said...

Are hippies allowed to eat turkey on thanksgiving? One would think that a hardcore liberal would object to the treatment of all those poor turkeys. Thoughts?

Josh said...

I think a nice huge serving of tofurkey would be ever so yummy! I think I got you beat, though. I got to have 3, count 'em, THREE Thanksgivings. It's the only good thing that came from the in-laws' divorce. Viva La Turkey!

Big Shaky said...

This weekend, I'm taking a group of 16-18 year olds on an overnight for a High Adventure program. A guy at church actually donated a farm-raised turkey to the cause. We'll see how many hippies we have in our congregation after I show their sons how to bleed and dress a live(for now)turkey by the camp fire!
How the hippies feel about it makes no matter to me! More for us!