Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I concur!

Brent......I concur! I have never been much into reading novels, but it looks like you might have found some that can keep my attention. And to answer your question, no, there is no support on this war on terror. It was very evident yesterday by some comments made by John Kerry. That's right, 2004 Presidential hopeful, John "ketchup made me rich" Kerry, stuck his foot in his mouth. He was trying to take some jabs at President Bush, but instead turned his sights on the troops themselves. He was talking about education. I guess. He stated that if you work hard, study, and get good grades, you can do well in life. But if you don't do those things, you'll end up STUCK IN IRAQ!!! What a pompous jackass! This was who the left was trying to get elected because he was a Vietnam War "hero". He got a piece of shrapnel in his butt on accident! He might has well have shot himself while cleaning his gun! Then, like a true hippie, came back home in opposition to the war. Like a creature of habit, he's doing it all over again! His apology was non-existent. In fact he said this, "Let me make this clear, as crystal clear as I know how, I apologize to no one for my criticism of the President or his broken policies." I guess I don't know where the line is between free speech and treason.
The war on terror is important, real important. Kerry also said that there are more terrorists that want to kill Americans now than there were on 9/11. Not true. All 9/11 did was give all these sand monkeys the balls to take their fights to the next level. And Brent, there are guys like Mitch Rapp in Iraq. The problem is, our country full of "let's hold hands and save a tree" hippies have made it so they can't even question people because we might hurt their feelings.
Torture terrorists. If we can get information out of them by doing it, then DO IT. If we don't get the infrmation we want, then we had a good time torturing a terrorist. Inexpensive entertainment. They have burned the bodies of American soldiers, drug their bodies thru the streets, sawed off heads while these Americans were alive. Yep, let's be careful not to offend these rag heads.
We will never win the war on terror until we win the war right here in our own country. We have a civil war going on right now on our own turf, believe it. A war between God-fearing, patriotic, Americans and the Left-wing, America-hating, communist wanna-be's. If the Democrats win the Senate and the House next week, and God forbid, the Presidency in 2 years, Heaven help us. They will pull troops, Iran will take over Iraq and become even MORE dangerous. They will cut defense spending and we will become a weak military. People think things are dangerous now? Wait til terrorists walk the streets here because the hippie dems have taken our guns and made sure the sand monkeys feel at home.
Remember this next Tuesday at the polls. Do you want a party in power, who's spokesman is a treasonous coward? We can do something about it.
In Nuge we trust!!

1 comment:

Josh said...

Yeah, can you imagine a government where Nancy Pelosi is in a leadership position. Unbelievable.

As for the war, it's about time to send John Cena over to start cleaning house. Hoo-rah!