Wednesday, November 08, 2006

DVD Review - Nacho Libre

I have to take a break from my normal sports rantings because I suck at it. I've decided to review Nacho Libre, which I enjoyed so much that I bought it. This was a great movie for those people (like me) who enjoy pointless comedy and Jack Black. I am a huge fan of Jack Black and really liked him in High Fidelity, Shallow Hal and School of Rock. When I heard that he would be play a Mexican Luchador, I had to see the movie (and I did at the theater, originally).

This movie is written and directed by Jared Hess, of Napoleon Dynamite fame. After that movie and Nacho, I'm convinced that Hess is a comedic genius. I loved both movies because of their unusual jokes and original writing. In Nacho, Jack Black plays Ignacio, a monastery cook who feeds the monks and orphans beans with tortilla chips every day. He transforms himself into Nacho Libre, a luchador in "stretchy pants." The comedy is histerical as he trains and wrestles with Esqueleto, his skinny tag-team partner. Two things in the movie absolutely slayed me: 1) when Nacho and Esqueleto wrestle a couple of chupacabres and 2) all of the wrestlers who wear masks in the ring also wear them everywhere else (walking down the street, cocktail parties, etc.).

This movie is great from start to finish and Jack Black, once again, delivers.

Rating: 8 out of 10

1 comment:

Brent said...

I really need to check this out. I think I'll be able to do it on Saturday, when I'll have a night to myself due to a scrapbooking appointment for the wife.