Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Friday Night Lights - Airdate 11/7/06

Another great episode this week. It always seems to suck me in a little more every time I watch it. I actually get depressed when I'm fast forwarding the DVR and see that there's only 10-15 minutes left in an episode, so it definitely quality entertainment. Sometimes I'll watch other shows and wish the episode was further along, but Friday Nights always leaves me wanting more. I only feel that way when I watch 24, Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, House and Lost. That's it.

Some random thoughts while watching the show this week:

1) Lyla Garrity's boob shirt during the first part of the show was amazing. Can that win an Emmy of some kind? Surely we can spare one for the shirt's performance this week. I feel like a dirty old man, although she's probably 26, so I probably don't have anything to worry about. (Actually I just checked IMDB, she IS 26. Amazing.)

2) The whole thing with Voodoo's racist comment getting blamed on Saracen's fat friend was well played for the most part, but considering how big of a jerk Voodoo is, I can't believe nobody ratted him out for what he said. I guess we're dealing with high school kids (even if they are 26 in real life), so maybe I'm reading too much into this.

3) Riggins kidnapping Street from the hospital was comical at best. The kid is essentially on bedrest, doing intensive physical therapy just to move his arms, wears a neck brace 24/7 and had a nurse tell him that it's not safe for him to ejaculate...and they can just carry him around with no repercussions? What??? Riggins actually carried him to his truck, and presumably onto a boat for an afternoon away from the hospital. My guess is he's on the field again in another month. Whatever.

4) Loved the part at the end where Taylor stuck to his guns and moved Voodoo to defense since he made the racist comments to the Reyes kid. It looks like it's going to cost Dillon a forfeit in the process, but you have to love Coach Taylor for always doing the right thing. Although I'm a little confused why everyone was panicking about the season being over due to a forfeit at the end of the season. Unless Texas high school ball works differently that Missouri, all you have to do is win your district to make it to the state playoffs. District games are always held at the end of the year. Hopefully the Texas dweller on the blog can clear this up for me. This isn't the can lose a game and still win state.

Show rating this week: 7 out of 10 (no game played, but still very good)
Show rating season to date: 8 out of 10 (and climbing)


Big Shaky said...

You are right, that shirt was magnificent. I have to admit, this was my first week watching the show and am hooked already. Thanks for keeoing me up on the plots so I feel like I've been watching it the whole time. It's like reading the book before you see the movie. Only I don't read. I'm just a product of Independence public schools.

Josh said...

Lila definitely wins the jail-bait award. She is smoking hot, and I don't mind saying it now that I know she's 26 (good guess by the way). I like the show more and more each week, but I was disappointed with no football clips. Still a solid show.

Brent said...

The characters on the show are interesting enough to keep the show moving along without any actual games being played. Actually, I think the game footage brings down the quality of the show now that I think about it. Having a game every other week (on the show) seems about right.

Big Shaky said...

Seriously, does it really have to be a "great" show for us guys to watch it? It's about football, chics, football, troublemakers, and football. That's all I needed to know.

Brent said...

Well, it's basically tanking in the ratings week after week, so there's a pretty decent chance that it won't get more than this one enjoy it while it lasts.

Josh said...

I think the writers shot themselves in the foot. The good lookingk, clean cut quarterback broke his neck in the first episode. Just like Brent said, no women are watching, which is why it won't last long. By the way, what's the over-under for the blonde slutty chic to be cast in a 12:00 Skinemax b-movie? I say 6 months, a year tops.

Brent said...

I may have to order Cinemax just to see that movie. You're right though, her snuff film future is very bright.

And yes, I don't see how any woman could ever watch this show. This would be a huge success on spike TV.

Big Shaky said...

sandwiched between ultimate fighter, and the chuck norris butt-kickathon.