Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Friday Night Lights - Airdate 11/28/06

Maybe it's just me, but this week's episode of Friday Night Lights was pretty weak overall. The main problem is that I find myself not caring all that much about the Lyla/Riggins/Street love triangle, and it got the most attention this week. I like the Saracen/Smash storylines a lot better, even though I think it's borderline retarded that Smash would resort to roids after one bad game in front of a scout.

It seems like they've settled in with a game every other week, which is fine I guess. But it didn't seem like there was any real focus on football this week, which was kind of disappointing. There were some funny moments with the Taylors and their daughter, but that was about it for me. I just find myself wishing that Jason Street would go away altogether. They can't possibly milk the paralysis angle forever can they? Anyway, very disappointing this week, hopefully it will rebound next Tuesday.

Show Rating: 6 out of 10
Overall Season to Date: 9 out of 10

1 comment:

Josh said...

I agree. I was disappointed with it also. 2 points I did like: 1) smash used church donations to buy the 'roids and 2) Coach Taylor's daddy/daughter talk at the ping pong table (I picture my first talk of the sort to sound a lot like that one).