Tuesday, October 24, 2006


The Associated Press reported that Sunday, several celebrities gathered in protest (big surprise) of a natural gas facility that is being proposed 14 miles off the coast of Malibu. Let me ask you something. Do you really give a crap what a bunch of ignorant, uninformed people think? Really, all these people are known for is what they are wearing while strolling down the red carpet.
Australian-based BHP Billiton, one of the world's largest energy companies, is who wants to build this facility. They have stated that the terminal would provide a reliable source of low-poluting energy. I think this is a good thing. With all the talk about my natural gas prices, electricity, and petroleum going up again, we need all the help we can get. This is just the thing that might help keep those cost down a little. Look what happened when we started shutting down all these oil refineries. Oil prices went through the roof (with a little help from GW too). We have lots of crude, just a limited means now of refining it.
But, I digress. Back to my original question. Do you really care what a bunch of spoiled rich people think? About their political views? They seem to think you do. Everytime something like this pops up, you can be sure that Alec Baldwin, Darryl Hannah, Ben Affleck, Sean Penn, and Helle Berry will all be there holding hands in a circle singing "Kumbaya"! These ignorant people don't represent you. Did you read what I wrote earlier? BHP wants to build a facility 14 MILES of the coast of Malibu! 14 miles. Most of these idiots can't see 14 feet until they've had a Bloody Mary when they wake up at the crack of noon. Yet you can be assured that the reason that they are protesting this one is because they don't want their property values to go down in Malibu. They don't care about you or the world. Just their own little world.
Freakin' hippies.

1 comment:

Josh said...

Nice one! I just think that Darrell Hannah is mad for 2 reasons:

1) She has a man's name
2) She will be saddled with her starring role in SPLASH! for the rest of her life

I still don't feel sorry for her...hippie.