Thursday, October 19, 2006

Where is that little red button......?

Why is it that all evil foreign dictators try to lay low until a member of the American media decides they want to talk to them?
Diane Sawyer got an interview with a North Korean General named Ri Chan Bok (or something like that). He said that "If Bush continues to tell them to kneel, war will be inevitable." Sawyer asked him what was meant when they said there would be merciless blow in response to any sanction. He said he couldn't say specifically, but he wanted to make sure he pointed out that they had long and short range missiles.
OK, obviously no matter what I have to say, I'm a "Nazi" or a "Bible Thumper" or a "conservative a@#hole" so I guess I'll just go ahead and tell you like it is.
It seems nobody in this country has the sand to stand up to anyone anymore. This little Monchichi look alike in N. Korea has got to go. He's got missiles huh? Congrats! We should have ships in the harbor over there already and take out every single lauch platform that they have! End of problem. This is an impoverished nation, they have nothing and this yay hoo wants to go to war? To me this isn't even an issue.
How about that guy in Iran? What's his name......Abadaba doo A ramalamadingdong? Anyway. He's got nukes now too huh? You guys are a little late to the party aren't you? You've got one that MIGHT be able to hit California? Where's the problem there? They use the only nuke they have, and we get rid of half the Fruits and Nuts in this country. Win, win.
But seriously, the biggest problem with the leadership in our country, and yes, I mean Republicans too, is that our government is full of people that are way more worried about their legacy than what they are doing for the people they are supposed to be serving. Harry S. Truman was a leader. He had what it took to push that little red button. Tough decision? Damn right! But he did what NEEDED to be done in order to restore order and balance. Ronald Reagan was the greatest President in modern history. He made this country believe in itself after taking over for the worst President in American history. That was Carter, for all you that needed a little help there. He made us respect ourselves and hold our heads high again and realize that being an American was more than just a place to live, but it's a WAY to live. He demanded it. And not only that, but he demanded that everyone around the world respect us and fear us once again.
Look, I live in the greatest country in the world. I take my wife and children the church of my choice every Sunday. I buy as much food as I want and don't wait in a bread line for my monthly rations. I drive an SUV and play with power tools. I vote for whomever I feel is best qualified to lead my country because I have that right as an American. Why? Because Heroes like my Grandfather served in the Navy during WW2. Thank you Pop. Hundreds of thousands have died on the field of battle defending what many of you mock now a days. There is no way I can ever repay the ones that have risked there lives to die for me other than say Thank You and be the best American I can be. To be a Patriot and to teach my children the same love for country that was instilled in me when I was a child.
George C. Scott said in the movie Patton, "No poor bastard won a war dying for his country. He made the other poor, dumb bastard die for his country." He went on to say that Americans by nature love to fight for what they believe in. I wish we still lived in that day.
I love you America. I love what you stand for.

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