Wednesday, October 25, 2006

LOST - Airdate 10/25/06

I think tonight's episode of LOST was a turning point for me in the series. Up until now, I've been pretty content with the pacing of the show and the amount of "answers" being provided from week to week. But tonight it all just sort of hit me at once.

We have three separate story lines going on at once:

1) Jack, Kate, Sawyer and the Others
2) Sayid, Sun and Jin
3) Everybody else

For the most part, each episode has dealt with 1 of the 3 groups, with tonights episode moving around a little bit, but the primary focus was on Group 1. And so far, we've basically learned nothing, other than the fact that the Others are holding Jack, Kate and Sawyer captive. But we knew that at the end of last season. And we still have absolutely no idea why they are holding them hostage. None.

Splitting up everyone is making it pretty tough to keep track of who is doing what on the island. Some characters could coceivably go for an entire month and not get any screen time. The first two seasons had everybody interacting a lot more. If there were fewer moving parts, it might work a little more smoothly. But they're actually adding characters to the cast. I guess the guy playing golf tonight was supposed to have been on the island since day 1, but this is really the first we've seen of him. Is another character even necessary at this point? Probably not. Check that. Definitely not.

At the end of the episode, there was a glimmer of hope. They were leading Sawyer up the ledge to show him something. I got my hopes up, 100% positive that we were coming to a crucial point of this season. Surely it's got to be something important, right?

Well, no.

Sawyer, Kate and Jack are being held on a different island than they were originally stranded. The original island is close by, definitely visible, but too far to swim. So there's no chance to escape. But they're already locked up, under 24 hour surveillance, and they get tasered the second they try to escape. So what good did that really do? Nothing.

Hopefully the action picks up soon. The show is becoming annoyingly slow. Make something happen!

1 comment:

Josh said...

I agree completely. I'm really trying to hang on here, but I'm losing interest. It just doesn't go anywhere anymore. Like you said, they keep throwing curve ball after curve ball. Eventually, I need to see something down the middle.