Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The backwards "Left"

Is it just me, or has anyone else noticed how backwards the bleeding heart liberals are in this country???
"We shouldn't drill for oil in Alaska because a penguin might fall down in it." "I don't eat meat because animals and humans should live as equals." "Give peace a chance!" What a load of crap!!!

I'll tell you one of the ones that bothers me the most, not because of what they are trying to accomplish, but because of how they try to justify it. Embryonic stem cell research. I can here the moans from here! "Oh no, he's not going there is he?" I understand the reasoning behind it. I know there are diseases and disabilities the "can possibly" help find ways to improve these conditions. Yeah, it might also find a way for me to grow 6 inches and play for the Steelers this weekend. Nothing is proven, it's all heresay.

Not only do they justify abortions by saying now they can be used for good, but now they want to "harvest babies". The left won't call them babies, but you can be sure that's exactly what they are. What they do is try to coax young women in to PAY THEM to have a surgical procedure done that will take some of their eggs from their ovaries. I guess what they don't advertise is that this procedure is actually quite evasive and can have lon lasting effects, like ovarian cancer and further inability to reproduce, just to name a couple. So they take the eggs and fertalize them in small petrie dishes in a lab. Can anyone tell me what happens then? The same thing that happens inside the womb. Cells divide, parts are formed, then they extract what they want. What do they do when they are done? I'm not even going to think about it.

Their justification is that it's ok because the "INTENT" is not to make a life, but to harvest what they need!!" Guess what?? The second that egg is fertilized, you've made life. I also heard the arguement this morning that there's no way this can open doors for human cloning. It doesn't get much closer than this! Fertilizing eggs in a laboratory. Hmmmm, no that doesn't sound like anything can come from that.

Was it the intent of that high school girl to get pregnant during that late night romp? Nope! But guess what? Still made a life. Their arguements are paper thin and I hate that this world has no love for human life anymore.

Save the whales! Save the DoDo birds! Save a tree! Don't eat meat! Slaughter babies so that the rich and the pompous and the vain can live a couple of years longer!!



Anonymous said...

Can't the same argument be made for the uptight conservative assholes? Don't permit stem-cell research (which by the way is not creating life - we are using the cells to make life better for you and me), but kill the cows, kill the penguins that add benefit to the environment and eco-system. Kill those innocent souls. Kill the criminals through capital punishment even the ones who were wrongly convicted. Anyone who stands in our way, just kill them. Impeach Bush!

Big Shaky said...

Actually, you are correct. Cows do add a lot of benefit to my life. T-bones, ribeyes, KC Strip, double cheese burgers. Innocent sould huh? The Bible says that we have dominion over the animals and that they were put on the earth for us as human sustainance.
Yes, I agree with capital punishment too, hippie.

Anonymous said...

Conservatives - Save the baby, forget the child...what a joke...moral elitists that are hypocrits...head of anti-internet sexual predator committee, but then gets exposed for what..doing the same thing...these clowns like to campaign on wedge issues that have zero impact on our pocket books or diplomatic relations..who gives a shit if gays want to get married..doesn't effect me on bit.

Big Shaky said...

Save the baby? Yes. Forget the child? Wrong. We just don't expect the government to start a program that will raise the child for us. It takes a village huh? Yep, we can see where that's getting the youth of today. Good one Hillary. Yes, we believe in "wedge"issues and issues dealing with ethics and morality. The same things that formed this country. I don't need the government to pad my pocket book. You libs that expect uncle Sam to pay your way through life and tax the crap out of me can hang it. I'll save my own money and do it the old fashion way. Earn it. And Foley is disgusting. You are right. He is a creep, but you can't judge a party on an individual. Any educated and informed person would know that. Oh, I forgot who I was dealing with. I'll tell you what, let me know what country to want to move to and I'll buy the ticket. Hippie.

Anonymous said...

That's guys have have all 3 branches of govt and still can't do anything right...Last I checked Mark Foley isn't the only dirtbag in the party...your mighty president is campaigning for a guy that cheated on his wife, but it's okay because he didn't strangle her..I thought the GOP was the "values" party...that's the biggest problem with these GOPs..they run on values but seem to have very little values themselves.

Big Shaky said...

You are going to talk to me about someone supporting someone who cheated on their wife?? Do you really want to go there? Look, I am a very Right Conservative. The problem is a lot of Republicans aren't anymore. This we can agree on, but if you want to fling mud, you might want to put on some old clothes. Ronald Reagan had so much respect for the position of President that he would never take off his suit coat in the Oval office. That's documented. But Clinton had so little respect that he wouldn't even keep his pants on in the Oval office. Then he let the Commie Chinese stay the night in the White House, and gave them critical defense secrets. Hail to the Chief! Hippie.