Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Friday Night Lights - Airdate 10/17/06

After watching this show last week, I was just about to leave it for dead. Don't get me wrong, the first episode was highly entertaining. But episode two was just flat-out boring. Needless to say, I wasn't expecting much when I tuned in tonight.

For the first 15 minutes or so, I was positive that this would be my last time watching. After the catheter mess and the Dillon version of Al Bundy being a dickhead at the local burger joint I was just about at the breaking point. But something happened. The show got good. Really good. What a turnaround in the last 45 minutes.

First of all, Coach Taylor really stole the show tonight. He brought the A game in a big, big way. He really became a likeable figure, especially when he didn't just cave to the recruitment of the New Orleans ringer QB (was his nickname really Voodoo?). The part where he rounded up everyone on the bus in the middle of the night to go run hills in the pouring rain was possibly one of the best moments on TV this year. After they were done, and Smash started up the chant, I got goosebumps. Seriously. Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose. Truly powerful stuff.

Unfortunately, Friday Night Lights probably won't be around much longer. I can't see why any female would ever give it a chance. Nobody considered that at NBC this fall? I think it would be better off as an ESPN series. At least then they could market the hell out of it to the guys who are going to end up watching it anyway.

Just a delightful hour of programming tonight, well, 45 minutes anyway. And next week is rivalry week, where it looked like Riggins takes an ax to a car and there's lots of fire. Can't wait.

Rating tonight: 8.5 out of 10
Season to date: 7 out of 10

1 comment:

Josh said...

I was just going to comment and I agree. Much better this week, so I'll keep watching.