Thursday, October 12, 2006

Lost - Airdate 10/12/06

First of all, great show last night. I'm still anxious to see what is going on with the other survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, but the stuff we've seen on Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Sayid, Jin and Sun has been pretty good so far.

Last night, the writers really did a good job of making me hate The Others, but I can't help but ask myself what the heck is going on with the zoo-type place where Sawyer and Kate are being held, and why they need slave labor on the island. What the heck are they building? I was really hoping Sawyer would shoot a few of them when he managed to steal the gun, but no luck there. Seriously though, they're making The Others come across as a pretty dispicable bunch, so I can't wait for them to get their come-uppance, assuming it ever happens.

The stuff at the end with Jack and Ben (formerly known as the Henry Gale imposter) was absolutely awesome. Apparently Ben has lived on the island his entire life, as presumably so have the other Others. It could be a line of BS, but who knows. And who really knows anything with this show? Ben apparently has the capability to send Jack home, just like he did with Michael and Walt. He asked Jack to be patient and his questions will be answered. They obviously have connection to the outside world, so any theories of the island somehow being connected to purgatory are down the drain.

Some random thoughts/questions running through my head towards the end of the show:
-Who survived the magnetic pulse/explosion at the end of last season? Apparently we will find out next week, as we saw clips of Locke et. al. at the end.
-The Others have a fake village? Why?
-How do they know so much about the survivors of the plane crash? Does it have anything to do with the Dharma project? Were The Others part of the project at some point?
-I thought it was strange that Ben said he sent Michael and Walt home on the boat at the end of last season. When Desmond tried to sail away from the island, he ended up right back where he started. What's going on there?

What a crazy show. Every time you think you have an answer to what is going on with the island, about 10 more questions are posed.

Rating: 10 out of 10.

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