Sunday, October 08, 2006

Desperate Housewives - 10/8/06

Tonight was the third episode of the new season of Desperate Housewives. Before I go any further, I realize that this is not a manly show, but I don't care. I watch it religiously every week. Sue me.

Anyway, I like where this season is headed. All four storylines surrounding the housewives are all pretty interesting. Here's where we stand so far for each of them:

  • Lynette - This is probably my least favorite sub-plot, but tonight they seemed to move things in the right direction. The mother of Tom's illegitimate kid is pretty annoying...can you believe they cast Slater's girlfriend from "Saved by the Bell: the College Years" for this part? Neither can I. I'm not sure if she's starting to grow on me or what, but she wasn't nearly as annoying tonight.
  • Gabby - I'm pretty disappointed that she's split up with Carlos. I hope they get back together soon, or the writers at least come up with some way to have them interact. They have pretty good chemistry on screen. The return of the gardener kid tonight was pretty predictible, but I think they laid on his landscaping success a little too thick. Come on, some 18 year old douchebag isn't going to have his own TV show on HGTV. I don't care if he's engaged to a hotel heiress or not.
  • Bree - She's obviously been the dominant housewife over the course last season and again this season, but she deserves the spotlight. I'm glad Andrew is apparently coming back home. It will be interesting to see where this goes with Orson in the mix around the house. I'm predicting that Andrew somehow saves the day and reveals how much of a slimebag the evil dentist is.
  • Susan - Solid stuff with her tonight, and it was a no-brainer that she hooked up with the guy whose wife is in a coma (man this feels like Days of our Lives or something). What I wasn't ready for was Mike waking up from his coma. With Edie Britt in the room no less! Of course her mission in to make Susan's life a living hell, so I'm sure she'll spill the beans about Susan and the new guy.
Critics have been really hard on this show ever since the first season. Of course it's not going to reach that case scenario is that it equals the first season...but I still enjoy it every week. The bottom line: I'm a loser.

Rating for this week: 8 out of 10 (bonus points awarded for the return of Delfino)

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