Saturday, October 07, 2006

DVD Review: Lucky Number Slevin

I was at the local Blockbuster with the wife, and much to my surprise, she asked if I wanted to see Lucky Number Slevin. I looked at the DVD case and saw that it was a movie with Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis, and revolved around gambling and two crime bosses. Awesome! I was immediately sold.

I must say, it has everything a guy movie needs. Plenty of blood, a huge explosion, a good level of intrigue, and even a quick booby shot at the beginning of the movie. The short version of the story is that there are two crime bosses, played by Morgan Freeman (The Boss) and Ben Kingsley (The Rabbi). One of the more enjoyable points of the movie was when someone actually asked "Who's the Boss?" and I had a flashback to 1987, visions of Tony Danza entering my head...but I digress.

The two crime bosses have beef with one another, and there is a guy who owes both of them a serious amount of money. Enter Slevin, played by Josh Hartnett. He's meeting his friend Nick Fisher, who is mysteriously absent from pretty much the entire movie. Slevin's problem is that he was mugged earlier in the day, and since his ID has been stolen, when the crime bosses's goons come calling, he has no way to prove he's not Nick Fisher. So he gets caught up in a huge mess, and that's where I'll leave it.

Overall, it was exteremely enjoyable. Like I said, gambling, shootings, explosions, boobs, the whole nine yards. Any guy is going to enjoy it, and even my wife liked it. It's not going to win any academy awards, but it's definitely a movie I'm glad I rented.

Rating: 8 out of 10

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