Friday, October 27, 2006

I'm not done yet!

As a follow up to yesterday's post, Let me give you my opinion on what I think should make the news. I know, those that know me or have read this blog are saying, "Matt's gonna give his opinion? But he seems so reserved and mellow." Right.
I read a staggering number. I read that gun owning, law abiding citizens, thwart would be crimes approximatley 2 million times a year. Did you know that? I didn't know that. You know why? Because the media is too busy covering the crap I wrote about yesterday. Or they will cover the lunatics that go in and shoot up schools, or the drive by shootings and things like this. These stories fuel their anti-gun fires! They will twist a story so hard to feed their liberal agendas. They preach that guns are evil and made only to kill other people cold heartedly.
The media's arguements for concealed carry have been paper thin at best. They said that we resort back to the old west times and there would be shoot outs in the streets. Nope, none of that. Even though I think crime would actually go down if everyone had a hog leg strapped to their hip. They also argued that people would shoot the wrong person. Give me a break. If I'm packin', and you pissed me off bad enough, trust me, I wouldn't hit the wrong person.
Here's the way I feel (uh oh! here comes the opinion!). The most important thing in the world to me is my wife and 4 daughters. Nothing will get those 5 ladies without having to come through me and my small arsenal. If you shoot, I will shoot back. I might even shoot first if the situation calls for it. I'm sure many have a problem with that. Those are the ones that will end up victims. Not me and my fam. All I can say is, you better hope you kill me with the first shot. If not, the only reason I'll call 911 is to mop you up.
I can hear the jaws hitting the floor now. Look, I 'm not a bad guy. In fact, I love to laugh and joke and have a good time. I just think it's the responsibility of every American citizen to take arms and defend themselves. Ted Nugent says that Homeland Security begins at home. He says we are much more likely to be attacked or robbed by some streetrat than to be blown up by a terrorist.
Here's what uncle Ted has to say about this subject, "You’re weird if you’ve got a problem with that. Good should live, evil should die. Make a stand America. Neutralize evil or get out of their way."

In Nuge We Trust!

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